yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Loved it. It's got all the things I miss from this genre. Though I don't think I grew up with this song, I'll add it to my playlist. Thank you for sharing it. :D

Ghost @kuharido
left a comment for
Ghost @kuharido
This is the ending theme music video for City Hunter '91. I'm very fond of the bishonen style. Thought you might like the video too.

Ghost @kuharido
left a comment for
Ghost @kuharido
This is the ending theme music video for City Hunter '91. I'm very fond of the bishonen style. Thought you might like the video too.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Yeah, I'm used to keeping it all to myself. To not get in the way and to not freak people out. Basically become a master of masking. But anyone who's known me well enough has seen some pieces of the suffering. I still keep people at a distance because who wants to be friends with a basket case? There's that saying 'don't stick your lot in with crazies'. And since that technically counts me... yeah.
So at the risk of pushing people away I should be transparent with them. I know that it'll attract the wrong crowd anyway and I'd be lying if I wasn't scared to death of that. Being looked at like a piece of meat rather than a human being is one of the worst feelings in the world. But I'd still rather be honest. It means leaving myself vulnerable and I can't stand that reality. But I should take your advice, since it seems others agree. I can't help the reactions of others, but I can control myself. So here it goes? I bet everyone's been guessing what I've got. lol I'm tempted to let people take bets to see who will guess it right.
Also, thank you for sharing your insights with me. I hope your friend will find peace, too.
Sorry to ask...

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Sorry to ask...
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I don't want for you to be discouraged as one should never feel as if its hopeless or as my friend will often say to me through tears, "I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I don't know why I can't figure this out on my own!"
It's heartbreaking to have to remind my friend it was never their fault. We live in a difficult world, however those of us who have God's grace to be mentally well should be willing and ready to take up the challenge of befriending as well as offering genuine help to those struggling to find a place they can feel like they're welcome.
It should never be left to "someone else" when there are those of us standing near to bring genuine comfort to another in need. You shouldn't have to explain yourself or your condition as it should never be an issue to begin with to those socially and spiritually mature. Yet sadly it may be necessary as people who mean well can be just as misinformed about a disability as someone with malicious intent to do harm.
I want nothing more than to lend solace that despite your past dealings there most certainly are others available to be their as friends or more if they and you can work out the necessary details to form a real mature relationship.

Gabriel @gabriel_true I've been friends with this person for going on 15 years. God made our friendship possible when they reached out to me in high school because they were suffering isolation from peers and adults alike. This individual though normal in appearance does have difficulty keeping up with normal conversations. Often they will deviate from one topic to the next without warning or seemingly reason. They have lost a number of jobs in the past because employers for whatever reason have failed to understand their disability prevents them from concentrating on tasks that are expected of normal workers. Another challenge that they bare are sudden mood swings that involve spontaneous crying in the middle of a casual conversation. This confuses the uninitiated into thinking they themselves have offended or spoke in a way that upset my friend even though it literally has nothing to do with anything going on in the moment. This person simply can't control their emotions and will brake down randomly. I picked up on this early on and simply kept a level head through even the most awkward restaurant episodes with wait staff looking to me for answers as to why asking for a drink order would cause my friend to go spiraling into a crying episode. I simply respond it's a condition and they're going to be ok once they work through it.

yuuzora @yuuzora That is a tough one to handle. Even with medications, it doesn't remedy all the symptoms. Not to mention adherence is difficult because those side effects really create their own problems. It's good this one has a friend like you, though. People who don't judge are like finding shiny legendary pokemon. I wonder how many people on MO are as open-minded and accepting? We'll see. We'll see who I scare away. Or I'll attract the swamp creatures. lolololololol

Gabriel @gabriel_true Thus far in our conversation I haven't felt you were difficult to speak to. As you said it perhaps is an odd quirk of yours that only becomes apparent after lengthy discussions. As of current I don't perceive you as "a bit too much."

yuuzora @yuuzora I'm a bit surprised to hear that. While I am considered 'high functioning' for the disorders I have, lots of people tend to think I'm off due to my bluntness. I can only hope your friend has had a good support network to feel at least not alone in their conditions? It's notoriously difficult to find good groups, even just online.
I did change my profile to mention the illnesses, so we'll see what happens.
I guess I am open to questions you have about the two disorders, since I know they're relatively rare and heavily stereotyped and demonized.

Gabriel @gabriel_true To be honest I hadn't read the updated information. I felt it was better to simply talk without relying on perceived barriers. The worst I could say I picked up on was that you have been suffering with anxiety about how others think of you. That's not uncommon as many have those thoughts. Some worse than others, but they exist in most people never the less. As for my friend, you are kind to offer concern for their well being. Aside from their grandparents sadly they have no others save for the local government provided counseling (which is woefully equipped to be supportive) and myself. It can be a struggle to always know in what ways to help or words to use to convey a sincere message of understanding about their daily challenges. Still we're nearly 2 decades into the thick of it and I remain optimistic.

yuuzora @yuuzora It is sad to hear that there isn't much support out there for your friend. Generally the world is ill equipped for it, like you said before. I think the only place doing well right now is maybe Sweden. This one is an empathic person, so it's in my nature to care about other human beings and offer to help them when they need help. Especially people at risk of self-harm, which I hope your friend does not have to deal with.
I do experience some anxiety toward my mental illnesses, as they are both demonized and I'd rather not be seen as a demon. Many, many people know next to nothing about Schizophrenia and DiD. It doesn't help that DiD has had some sort of surge of children trying to self-diagnose with DiD which clogs up the resources for people who actually have it. I can't stress enough, that it's not like the movies and it isn't a collection of anime characters to be used on a whim.

Gabriel @gabriel_true Well put! It's as if you're able to read my thoughts on what I was going to say next. My friend is doing alright minus a sudden case of the flu. As for Schizophrenia and Identity Disorder I have heard that doctors are changing their understanding and treatment plans for such disorders constantly. I suspect my father's mom was suffering with some form of it. She died when my father was still a kid, but he had to be taken by social services since his mom was known to put him in danger when having "episodes." This was back in the 1960's when even less was understood about mental health. The disability my grandmother was afflicted with apparently was genetic. My dad's eldest brother also shared a shifting personality that sadly led to his untimely demise. He left behind a daughter, but I haven't ever spoken directly with my cousin to know more about the kind of man my late uncle was. It might make sense to simply ask my father, but he is hard to get information from. He appears to have invented a narrative that acts as a form of coping mechanism for a rather tragic family dynamic. Admittedly I can't blame him. There was no easy answers for how things played out. All I can do with the knowledge of my family's mental health history is try to be vigilant of its many forms and act accordingly when it crops up with surviving relatives. Sorry to get off on a tangent, but I can empathize with your condition on some level at least.

yuuzora @yuuzora Aye. It's good to hear your friend is doing okay. Though being sick with the flu sucks.
DiD used to be known as MPD and for some people the latter is still more accurate, a majority feel DiD describes the experience more clearly. There is a strong genetic component to Schizophrenic disorders, DiD however is always triggered by childhood trauma. So people that claim it and have no significant childhood difficulties are molded potatoes.
That is quite the family history. There is some evidence to suggest that Schizophrenic disorders can lead to dementia. Especially when untreated.
I sincerely feel the utmost sorrow hearing what people go through when they have to be institutionalized. Even now that we have all this technology and better understandings, patients in state asylums are still treated like animals. And the medications are only slightly better than they used to be. Especially the heavier stuff. Is your friend on medications to help or is this person afraid of the side effects?

Gabriel @gabriel_true My friend who has the disability is on medication and does have a counselor that is supposed to be providing them resources. However it has fallen to mostly themself and their grandparents figure out a solution. I also had a recent conversation where they informed me that they were handed off to another counselor who seemed to not understand the situation.

yuuzora @yuuzora This one understands the feeling of being shuffled off between counselors. Especially trying to find one who understands the vibe. Which is why I'm not currently in therapy though I know I need professional help other than myself. What about you? Do you suffer from any mental ailments?

Gabriel @gabriel_true Haha, as for myself I can't say I have been diagnosed with anything thus far! I've had concerns about my family history potentially causing future issues as I get older, but currently I am not suffering any notable ailments.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Last month in Lan Su Chinese Garden and tea house. The dress is called Hanfu from the Wei-Ji era/period. :)

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on

Lishifu @hakutaku
This outfit is so cute! Where were you?

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I generally have an extremely difficult time trusting anyone. I'm trying to fix this behavior, but my past with narcissistic abusers makes that quite the task. I think I agreed with a few in the comments before, but I'll hear a few more opinions before deciding.

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
Do you feel the person is worth trusting enough to at least know the real you? Or do you still want to wait? Ask yourself that question.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Yeah... going that route I'd just never tell anyone. I try to keep the problems to myself, and I'm great at masking but when the problems do show up... Thus why I'm asking normal brains. What point in time would you rather someone tell you that sort of thing?

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
You should tell them when you are most comfortable telling them. If you are more cautious it keeps you from dealing with the people who try to one up you.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I didn't want to make an entire topic, but I do wonder at what point is it appropriate to tell someone you have a debilitating mental illness(or a few)?
I've considered putting it into my profile just to cut out the ones who can't handle such things, but I also don't want to attract the narcissists I did before. I prefer being upfront but I also don't like the idea of feeling dehumanized because of the illnesses I have.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I'd like to answer but I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. But it's the 13th letter of the English Alphabet.
Mommy's Daily Riddles

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Mommy's Daily Riddles
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
1st Riddle of Today:
Q: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in 1,000 years?
A: (to be answered)
Winner: (to be determined)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Go ahead and answer. It's kind of a first one to answer is the winner (if you get it right), or I should say first come first serve kind of thing. Trust me, Yuu-chan, you wouldn't be ruining it for anyone.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Plus...if you don't answer here then I'll write you down as the winner anyway sksksk. Since you are technically guessing it UwU

yuuzora @yuuzora It's the letter M. :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yay! You got one! ^^

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I'm three years older than you. lol. We're barely middle aged, seeing as old age starts at 60 now. You have any nieces and/or nephews?

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
I'm 32 so I'm not old but not young. I just look old and sound old. Okay maybe I am old.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Oh, you're probably not very old, but hanging around kiddos makes you feel like it. Especially the snot nosed teenagers. "Whaddaya mean there was no internet when you grew up? Did you go to school with Jesus?" XD

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
I'm not that... okay maybe I am but still.. and nope. Not any I know about anyway.