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Yuka King @yukachan
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Yuka King @yukachan
Thx uuu

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711

I didn't know you owned a store xD

Gabriel @gabriel_true Haha! I know right. There is one I drive by daily.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Haha really? This one used to be a old pottery place.

Gabriel @gabriel_true I bought a one of my coats from a Gabe's.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 How do you keep your clothes organized? I have way too much and I wanna get rid of most of it

Gabriel @gabriel_true That's the thing though...I don't, haha! I have 4 closets and 3 drawers full of clothing. Between anime merch, coats, suits, and other outfits I simply stuff them wherever I can find space.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 4 closets is crazy haha I just have one closet and like 15 drawers I think

Gabriel @gabriel_true When my ex girlfriend was living with me she did complain about me having more clothes than her. Also had more shoes and boots than her as well, heh!

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Did you go to a thrift store or get some good deals or just a long time collection?

Gabriel @gabriel_true Long time of accumulating clothes from sales or thrift stores. A good amount of the clothes I wear are from back in college. Save for pants because I gained 40 pounds since then, haha!

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
How's your stomach been and less acid like diet?

Gabriel @gabriel_true I still have some bleeding, but the specialist felt it's not a big deal so...*shrug*

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 As long as it's not a lot and not constant.

Gabriel @gabriel_true Hopefully.
Meme Repost Spam Thread V2

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Meme Repost Spam Thread V2
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Every corporate business ever.
Random thoughts...

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Random thoughts...
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Today was miserable. I drove a trailer to a site with a BOL that had the name of the company clearly stating I was supposed to be there.
But they made me sit outside the gate for over an hour because I needed a secret password.
No you heard that right!
Companies be out here literally needing code words to get in to their yard!
I was like are you kidding me? I thought it was a joke, but no. Tailer #? Nope! BOL? Nope! Delivery time and address with company verification? Hell no!
The secret word is Eggplant...