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Otaku Dating
Be automatically matched with other Otaku who attend the same conventions and also enjoy watching the same anime.
Anime Conventions
Find local conventions and track your attendance. Meet other users attending these conventions, and even find hotel roommates.
Anime & Manga Database
Keep track of anime watched and manga read with our animanga tracking system. You can rate your favorite titles, and share them with other users.

MaiOtaku Is For Meeting Anime Lovers

Anime fans who want to meet other anime fans find themselves on MaiOtaku. We are the best, fastest growing, free anime dating site. We take your anime interests and match you with other anime lovers as close to you as possible – make new friends, find a date, go to anime conventions together. It all happens, for free, thanks to MaiOtaku.

It All Starts With What You Like

To find other highly compatible Otaku, we first need to know about you. We already know that you're an Otaku, so you're interests already match several others on the site. But we dig deeper than that to figure out what you're really interested in, because even though we all like the same things, we are all different.

We start by giving you the chance to fill out a simple profile, because that's obvious how anyone is going to find you. Then you progress to our match system, where you add your list of favorite anime and anime conventions. We believe what you tell us about the kind of anime you like will help us get to know you just like any other Otaku would want. If we're matching you because you like anime and Japanese culture, then we want to be sure you hit it off right with someone who likes the same aspects as you.

Our unique software develops a one-of-a-kind anime analysis for you. We then find other Otaku, starting with those nearest to you, that have the same interests and a compatible overall personality. You can view the profiles of compatible Otaku, and even message them or leave comments for free. We have a growing, inclusive community, and you'll be welcomed right away.

Thousands of posts daily.

MaiOtaku is one of the most active websites in the world. Thousands of people post comments, funny gifs, and forum topics every single day on the world's largest and most open dating site on the entire web. Joining means you become part of one of the busiest, best communities in the world. There are very few anime websites in the world with as much daily activity as MaiOtaku.

MaiOtaku is Fan Made

MaiOtaku was developed by anime fans, not by some mega corporation. We build our own software, manage our own servers, and watch lots of anime. Ryan Kopf began MaiOtaku in 2009, and still runs things today.


What is MaiOtaku?
How much does MaiOtaku cost?
How does the matching work?
What are the picture gallery limits?
What features are in progress?
What makes MaiOtaku better?
What if I lost my password?
How do I change email preferences?
What are the benefits of a premium account?
Why can't I find very many users near me?
Is MaiOtaku safe?
Does MaiOtaku sell my information?
How do I use the anime/manga database?
Can I work for MaiOtaku?
I found someone! Can I delete my account?
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