yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Oh yes. All the meltdowns and childhood playground politics. lol. Makes you feel so old doesn't it? You have any kids of your own?

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
It can be fun. But it's also difficult because of some of the behaviors, especially since I work work ages 3-5

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
nice description
i dont think the description allows bold letters, just basic HTML stuff. thats why 99% of the descriptions you see is 90's internet style XD

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
That has to be one of the hardest jobs I could imagine having. I only worked with older kids, the little ones are another thing entirely. No wonder you're tired after a day at work! Is at least fun?

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
I'm a daycare teacher. So I take care of other people's children for a living.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Oh? I suppose it's a matter of perception. I'm usually too tired to sit and watch stuff, so I rather read, so if I zone out, I can just go back and reread. XD
What are you doing for work these days?

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
It's pretty good, I just can't read anything because I get off work at 6 pm and by then I'm too tired to do anything besides make/eat dinner and watch stuff.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I'm super far behind on kaiju movies so I haven't seen Pacific Rim or Cloverfield. I just haven't had time with how much work I have. How's your work/life balance?

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
Yeah I am. One of my favorite movies is Cloverfield

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I'm currently in the process of writing my own, so I read just enough to learn by example. So my first chapter isn't very good, layout-wise I am banking on people being interested enough to stick around for the second when I get into it. Are you a fan of kaiju films at all?

pandasteve @pandasteve
pandasteve @pandasteve
Not particularly. I don't have much time to read manga anymore because of my job. Do you?

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Favorite non-main... maybe Gramps, if you'd consider him a non-main. I adore the old man who adopts a bunch of kids. <3 Cana is a good one, too. It's honestly a shame she didn't get more attention as her story was pretty compelling. I also find Hiro Mashima quite inspirational. Having no formal training to start with but managed to become successful anyway like Eichiro Oda. Do you have any favorite mangaka?

pandasteve @pandasteve
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pandasteve @pandasteve
Hey there, I saw that you like Fairy Tail and I was curious about who your favorite non-main character is? Mine is Cana.

pandasteve @pandasteve
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pandasteve @pandasteve
Hey there, I saw that you like Fairy Tail and I was curious about who your favorite non-main character is? Mine is Cana.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Ahoy. I'm alive. How are you feeling lately?

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
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daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
Hey, it's been a minute. I'm back on Mai, how are you?

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93 Feeling okay I guess, things have been kinda depressing as of late

yuuzora @yuuzora Oh? State of the world or personal existential dread? Maybe both? How are you managing? If you really need to talk to someone you can message me. I'll give you my Discord.

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93 Father has cancer, brother has cancer, work was a nightmare and I should have seen the red flags and either not accepted it or left a long time ago.
I don't have existential dread on anything. But I am managing fine, I'm cool with being let go. Benefits and pay sucked at this place, they lied to me about alot when I applied, and there was too much potential drama, nepotism and people not working at all. Management was poor and everyone wanted my manager to have been fired a decade ago. And the owner violated HIPPA by spreading my private medical information to everyone.

yuuzora @yuuzora Oh. That is a fuck ton to deal with. Hopefully I can lend an ear. Do you have another job in mind or are you stuck?

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Just bits and pieces of Kimetsu no Yaiba when I have time. I am mostly trying to get through the beta readings I have promised to do. It's a long reading list, but hopefully it'll lead to me getting beta readers in the future. :D
Do you ever watch the kawaii animes? I've recently read a manga that was super cute called "Cat Massage Therapy"

beargirl @pandaangie
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beargirl @pandaangie
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