Gobble Gobble!

yaasshat @yaasshat
Gobble Gobble!
yaasshat @yaasshat
Not everyone who's on here is American, but I think this is still a good question. It's thanksgiving tomorrow... What are you thankful for or what's something that makes you happy?
Me? I'm thankful for those who've given me a chance and recently, for my brother who's made it clear, at 42, he wants the relationship and bond we never had while growing up. And, of course, my little crotch goblins.lol Not sure what I'd do without them.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Gobble Gobble!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Oh boy! Where do I start? This might be a longer list, but I am thankful for/to God who has sustained my family in another year of waiting patiently on Him. I have mentioned this in passing before...but we have waited 14 years to get out of the place we live and it's been 5 years since learning that we're moving, and God has just been dealing with us so beautifully and helping us to grow in his Word.
Second! I am very, very, veeeery blessed and thankful to God for my family that he's allowed me to be born into. Due to homeless/poverty circumstances when we were younger, we should have been separated from our parents, but God worked out a way out of no way and always allowed us to run into officers who showed compassion on us. My family has truly made my life colorful and worth living in both the best and worst of times! And I'm thankful to our mom and dad for their hard work raising us up...I can't imagine how hard it's been for them as parents, not being able to get us the things we wanted, but they truly gave us what we needed...and just for that alone, I am just truly overwhelmed with love and joy.
Third (but not the least in any way, shape or form)! I am thankful for all of you here on MO. Besides my family, I don't get to interact with people much IRL, and I've always wished to be able to spread a bit of the joy/hope/love I have in life-even the tiniest bit-to others no matter where they are. And I am grateful for you all being open to receiving me here and being such lovely people and friends to me, I know I get sappy, but I mean it. You guys are beautiful and I can only hope you see in yourselves the beauty I detect in you, I love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Edit: Oh! Something that makes me happy? Well, there's a lot of stuff tbh, but, I love seeing my family and just people in general being happy in life. I love seeing people being able to do stuff that I can't with a smile on their face, I enjoy people eating foods that I can't afford to eat yet. I adore seeing people have moment's of humanity where they just sit together just to simply be...seeing that in others helps me imagine bigger and better things for myself and my family ^^.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gobble Gobble!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Well first of all, I'm thankful for my homie, Yaasshat...hehe! I am grateful that your brother and you are able to reconnect! For much of my life I've been reliant upon my own brother as a guidepost in both what to and not do.
As for myself I was blessed earlier this year by Christ when my father did not die from his heart attack!Christ also provided my father with an additional blessing that prevented him from owing any bills to the hospital. For what reason can only be explained as a miracle.
My dad spent over 2 weeks in critical care at the hospital. So coming out owing nothing because the insurance company of all things decided to fully cover his expenses is a miracle by God. He's been retired for about 10 years and only works part time, so it's not as if the man had any other income to afford those payments.
Then I'm grateful again to Christ for helping my sister with her health and financial situation. As a single mother my sister constantly lives by grace to provide for my nephew and herself. I'm glad her son has also been scouted by his current school as a talented young man with academic potential. They seem to have a genuine interest in providing for and guiding him through his struggles as a growing teenager.
Another thanks I give is for being able to spend time with 3 close friends of mine. Meeting back up with a man from my childhood who genuinely appears to have changed for the better is refreshing to say the least. Having God give me the opportunity to offer comfort for another friend of mine during their time of grief was a way to strengthen our bonds as friends.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gobble Gobble!
Gabriel @gabriel_true

More stuff I am thankful for is God helping myself to find a decent church community that's allowed me to personally sit down with the pastors that lead it, so we can speak about difficult issues facing our local community. Whether its tackling poverty, mental health, or simply needing advice from a group of individuals that inspite of their various backgrounds come together to offer assistance is wonderful.
It's also coincidental that the assistant pastor happened to be a former classmate I graduated with. We had very little in common as kids and weren't friends, however life has paved the way for us to get to know each other better as adults. I never knew what he had been dealing with as a child before God called him to help lead a local church family.
As for even more stuff I'm thankful for by the Lord. I am blessed to have successfully earned my CDL earlier this year! It was difficult and I know others who failed before giving up, so God blessing me to succeed is something I try not to take lightly. I've been reliant upon Him to protect me out on the road because the life of a truck driver is rife with strife unfortunately. A lot can go wrong between destinations no matter how short the distance. It's a blessing not to face any kind of disaster or setback.
Lastly I'm grateful my older brother is alive and well. That his mother survived her breast cancer treatments. That his trucking career hasn't gone south yet inspite of the various uncertainties his company is being challenged by. Glad his wife and her grown children are doing well too!
Anything else I forgot I don't forget because it doesn't matter I simply have a lot God provides me with to be thankful for. Christ bless everyone even if they lack faith for we all are truly thankful to survive just one more day! Amen!

Arc @arc
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Gobble Gobble!
Arc @arc
I'm thankful nothing horribly wrong has happened in my life this year. Usually something goes wrong. Whenever I go 8 months without experiencing some kind of crisis I start to get a feeling of dread like it's just around the corner. This year my whole company couldn't afford to give raises, but all and all it's been a really good year. With people in my family getting really old, and cancer becoming more prevalent I can see rough waters up ahead in 2025 but all I can do is furl the sails, secure loose gear, and chart the course.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Gobble Gobble!
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
i’m thankful to still be breathing and for God showing me life goes on. for the friends that I have in my circle. For my family. They care a lot about me. No matter how many times I mess up they are always there for me. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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Gobble Gobble!
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
I'm thankful for God blessing me in a way that I've only had minimal struggles in life. Very thankful for each lesson they provided. I'm thankful for God allowing me to understand how to lay my burdens down. I'm thankful for family that always cares and worries about me. I'm thankful I'm able to watch my kids grow up who are my joy. I'm thankful for my gf who means the world to me. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
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