Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever

●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
If you had to choose to play video games for life or watch anime to your last of days which would you choose?
As much as I like anime I'd still have to pick video games
Which one would you choose as your single hobby of the two?

Kohagura @kohagura
commented on
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
Kohagura @kohagura
In general I think video games is the better way for me.
It's interactive, can be played many times with different outcomes, and you can mod games.
Anime is something I like more for the ocassional good sci-fi plot or pretty art(more like pretty boys)... but most tend to lack the density of entertainment that games provide. Maybe it's just me, but I prefer playing and being in a story than just reading/watching.
On the other hand, if it's a choice between video games and yaoi manga... that's a difficult decision and depends on the game.
If only it were a 3D yaoi game.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
commented on
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
PC gamer for life.
Kohagura your wish is already coming true: VR/AR anime games for every taste because Japan can never do something half-way. http://youtu.be/RX76oxpOAy8

neeto @neet_one
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Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
neeto @neet_one
video games without a doubt. I've already seen enough anime that most of it doesn't come across as being very fresh or original anymore, (ie same shit with a new coat of paint) and most anime just doesn't hold the same appeal the second time around anyway. many video games on the other hand can be played over and over without it getting old.

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
commented on
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
I'll choose anime over hardcore gaming...
call me lazy but with anime I can relax on my chair n watch on TV
while hard core gaming requires constant attention from eye & hand coordination.

beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
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Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
That's like impossible guys this is like a trick question like gaming is like oh shit I wanna have fun or or shit I wanna wrekt npcs or players and make them cry or having a genicide by grinding 1 monster or raiding or whatever cool games you guys play and then anime it's like whole shit your taking away my love life who am I gonna laugh at , talk bout , dream about, and cry it bout can't choose ;__; rather die in a hole if both were taking away from me

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
Nakama @jacob1
Anime fan for life. I don't play games that much. Don't have the time to spend on it. I can live with out games, but what's the point with out anime.

senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
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Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
Why not both? Both sounds good to me.

rancethevii @rancethevii
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Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
rancethevii @rancethevii
Probably anime, I've already exhausted a lot of time on games, and it's growing a bit stale on me nowadays. There's always a few new interesting anime each season, while I only get interested in a game every few months or so (then i just get completely obssessed with it).

Rinar @renard
commented on
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
Rinar @renard
Why not both? X3
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