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nikita_13 @nikita_13
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nikita_13 @nikita_13
No worries, I tend to come and go through here as well depending on life's priorities. I've been elbows deep in a few productive projects lately; fixing a set of lights for a band and repairing a motorcycle.

●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
Sorry I haven't been on for awhile guys.Just busy with everyday life.

nikita_13 @nikita_13
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nikita_13 @nikita_13
Sure thing! How's life?
Last one to post here wins

●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
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Last one to post here wins
●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
Or mine >:]
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever

●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
Hardcore Gamer 4 Life or Anime Fan Forever
●••dragonfl¥K¡te••● @illustrationofsacred_ink
If you had to choose to play video games for life or watch anime to your last of days which would you choose?
As much as I like anime I'd still have to pick video games
Which one would you choose as your single hobby of the two?