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neeto @neet_one
neeto @neet_one

neeto @neet_one
neeto @neet_one

Gengah @gengah
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Gengah @gengah
Is that THE lightning-fast niedhart himself? Wanna be friends? :)
Weird dreams

neeto @neet_one
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Weird dreams
neeto @neet_one
I had two in a row last night about being homeless and taking part in heists that didn't really make much sense and trying to avoid the authorities afterwards. First was taking every single item in an arts and craft store, and meticulously setting it back up in a shop of my own. Second was about stealing some electronics worth millions that somehow crippled the local power grid.
something something a jumbo jet the size of an island crash landed into a city I used to live near.
Heck if I know what any of that meant.
Where tf is Sonny Boy?

neeto @neet_one
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Where tf is Sonny Boy?
neeto @neet_one
The anime database does seem like it could use some updating. Doesn't really seem suited to adding everything you've seen anyway, and more geared towards adding a handful of personal favorites. If what you're looking for isn't there, I'd just move on down the list and add something else.