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Nakama @jacob1
Nakama @jacob1
Back in the USA. Working on going back to Japan to be a teacher and teach English. Started learn coding this week as well or magic be hide the internet.

Nakama @jacob1
Nakama @jacob1
From Osaka to Hiroshima and back to Kyoto tomorrow.

Nakama @jacob1
Nakama @jacob1
Was at Mt.Fuji yesterday and in Nagoya today. Can't wait to see the Thousands Sunny tomorrow.
Date or Pass

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Date or Pass
Nakama @jacob1
Women approaching men

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Women approaching men
Nakama @jacob1
Laugh able. Women in genre don't approach men any less the guy is really hot. So for me and millions of others out there this is a laugh able subject.
Jul 3-6
Nov 21-23
Jan 16-18
Jun 25-28