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senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
Funny how I always seem to miss my chance. Without fail, by the time I've decided to myself that I like someone, that person always ends up having a boyfriend by the next time I see them. Without fail.

senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
Eh, I'm done with this site. It's too full of trolls, and it is obvious that as far as romantic pursuits or even platonic pursiuts are concerned, I'm not getting anywhere here.

senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
"Maybe I should go to bed now."
*Watches spider crawl across laptop*
"NOPENOPENOPE" *Scrapes it onto floor with a piece of paper*
"Okay, well that's over right?"
*...Spider is back on the bed*
Guess who is not sleeping tonight?
This guuuuuy
Dating sites.

senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
commented on
Dating sites.
senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
After years of using them, I've come to the conclusion that they are utterly useless. They are useless because of human nature. Men are hard wired to be much more thirsty than women, and so you end up with a situation where there are thousands of men in a particular area on the site compared to only a few dozen women. This leads to women getting flooded with messages, so just being lucky enough to actually have your message be seen is like winning the lottery in of itself, and a lot of whether or not your message is read is going to depend a lot on how physically attractive you are. In other words, if you aren't a star football player, don't even bother. You will never get messaged and nobody will reply to your messages.
I feel like a creeper when...

senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
commented on
I feel like a creeper when...
senseimewtwo12345 @senseimewtwo12345
TBH, I feel like a creeper when talking to girls in general. Must be an anxiety thing.