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35 year old Female
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Sep 03, 23 at 12:19am
Do you feel like you're getting enough of the right nutrients? Sometimes chronic tiredness can be an indication that we're not getting enough of something. Anemia, for example, which is common for us girls at that time of month.
(12:11 AM Sun.) I've been so tired lately. I know I've always been tired but I feel as if I've never been getting rest-especially my dang eyes! They never feel rested lol. And now I'm on my period and so I'm sure the tiredness is from the weak health this past month and now my period is making me even more tired. But, I got to eat some chimken today...so I'm definitely on my way to better health now for sure https://media.tenor.com/38tXQNwIde0AAAAM/rimu-chew.gif
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I probably don't get enough of anything. Tbh I think at times it's just me though lol
Sep 02, 23 at 11:53pm
Being in a forest can be scary if one is unprepared. And there is a lot to go wrong, so it's actually very smart to go with someone rather than alone. :)
Sep 02, 23 at 11:09pm
1. Idk? I have an extremely honest friend so I'd like to think if I ever had one or practiced said toxic trait she'd tell me 2. Japanese culture for sure. I take an interest in the culture more than their anime ngl 3. I don't really have a bed, bed to make so...no lol 4. Dove soap 5. Like last time I'm still trying to work on that for myself 6. I just like getting out the house. But if I ever walked in a forest I'd need someone else with me as I get scared by the forest (even if I think it's pretty) 7. I would stop them and pay for it for them. Then tell them it's better to ask for help and keep asking no matter if anyone ignores them then resort to stealing (even if they are in a difficult situation) 8. Most likely a cat since my family says I act like one. Especially with my love of naps, curling around others for heat and sunbathing XD 9. I don't think so? I don't pay much attention to myself so if I had one I don't think I'd know unless someone said so about me 10. It's been awhile since I've been in one but take a nap, pray, quietly talk about the situation with whoever is with me (which would be my family). Idk?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Glad to hear that. I don't think I could ever do it during the night though, only the day
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah. It's usually better not to move around a forest at night, the lack of visibility is quite dangerous. Though I'd trust a pack of wolves over a pack of human men any day. But that's just me.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I wouldn't prefer either. I would be scared more especially if they are hostile XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Wolves only want food, not a fight. So offer of easy meal, wolves will 9.9/10 choose easy meal over fight. Human men on the other hand, like other humans, cannot be reasoned with most of the time. But yeah, either one is very scary.
Aug 31, 23 at 5:31pm
Random Philosophical, Self-Analysis, Psychology Bullshit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It isn't a completely toxic trait, but I notice I have an impulse to want to help or fix things. When it comes to people, I have to develop a habit of asking if a person just wants sympathy(not a bad thing, by the way) or if they want to create a plan to address the issue they're complaining about. In the context of relationships in general, I thought initially this would mean I 'see potential' and want to 'fix him/her/etc'. In the past that may have been true, but I think now, especially with my deep empathic nature I don't like to see people in pain. I see problems at their root, typically, and try to point that out to the subject. It doesn't always occur to me that a person may not want help. Whether they're shallow and don't want to actually address their bullshit or they're scared to see it or they aren't ready; perhaps that makes it an inconsiderate desire to want to help someone? There is the fact that it also stems from a need to feel useful to others. So to some extent this isn't a fully selfless desire. Especially considering debts. Due to abuse in the past, I hate being indebted to anyone for fear they will try to use emotional blackmail to manipulate me. So I keep my ledgers balanced as much as possible. Only if I know your intentions will I accept gifts of any sort from a person. That list can be counted on a single hand. The way in which this is toxic is often that I'm... kinda spicy. Sometimes a person needs their ass kicked to get out of their pity party. It's worked rather well before. Three of my siblings, two of my friends, every person that ever came into my workshop in those days. However, that doesn't mean it works at all times. Especially concerning romantic relationships, it tends to uncover the other person's toxic traits. I've only had 2 romantic relationships(one was abuse and emotional blackmail, so would dare say I was only in one consenting romantic relationship). With the latter one, I should've seen more quickly that he was lazy. Too lazy to put effort into anything because he's the sort of privileged, spoilt brat that had everything done for him. He never worked hard for a single thing in his life. And still doesn't. He always said 'I want to be a writer', me being both an old pro at that time and a supportive person offered to help him write a book. Every time I would set time aside from my 70 hour work week to help him, he'd kick and whine like a child not wanting to do any homework. Even if I made things easy for him by structuring the outlines, showing him my tools and tricks. He didn't use any of it and maybe wrote a total of six pages his whole life. I am being rather literal. He never wanted to actually sit down and do the work. This led to me being burned out dealing with him, like he was a child and not a grown man. I should mention that this was around the time I was losing my career to a nerve disease I didn't know I had yet. Perhaps that wouldn't have happened if I didn't try to help so much? If I didn't want to be supportive of his 'dream', maybe I wouldn't have felt so undervalued? I mean, he was also a messy, disgusting person who blamed me for everything that went wrong... but it would also be on me for not seeing that sooner because I wanted to help so much. So, addressing this... is going to be as difficult as dealing with the abusive trait I have... it isn't tied to ptsd or ocd, so that's a plus. But I think it calls into question where the line is between wanting to be a fixer and being more genuinely supportive? I need to draw that boundary clearly so I can avoid becoming toxic.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I know you most likely aren't looking for a reply...but I would like to tell you you shouldn't have regrets when wanting to help others out, and I'm sure not everytime you did or wanted to was for underlying selfish reasons. You truly seem kind and caring deep down on the depths of all the layers to you and that's not an issue, I do encourage you however to work on whatever you may think needs working on. It's not an issue to self reflect, but also don't be too hard on yourself or that will wear you down too. It's like wanting to lose weight, you have to make sure you don't do it in an unhealthy way or become obsessed with it and become unhealthy that way, just try and balance everything out and I'm sure you'll do fine. Sorry if I am bothering or not being helpful, that is not my intention and good day Yuu-chan
yuuzora @yuuzora Not at all. It's a public post, so I post it with the understanding that it's anyone's right to response if they wish to. Part of it is working passed my psychosis and the other part is hopeful to scare away 'nice ones'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do have deep caring for people, while it isn't for selfish reasons it isn't 100% selfless. I'd say it's about 90% genuinely wanting to help and see someone feel better about life and 10% trying to make sure no one can manipulate me later on.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would agree that I'm too hard on myself. Part of it is Imposter Syndrome, and the other is likely tied to depression and my current living situation being complex like box of forgotten charging cables. I don't think I will be able to unwind it until I can produce an income sufficient to paying for my own bills. That might also be capitalist programming where one's worth is tied to monetary value. lol I think I might actually need actual therapy to unravel this one. lol ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying It's understandable the traumas responses you have to people, especially if you may not be used to receiving kindness after being hurt so much. Not giving you an excuse on things you may do that are or can be an issue...but I do hope you at least can remember that you're trying your best everyday to be aware of yourself and your actions (at least to me). And I think if you think therapy can help, I hope you can get it and find a really great therapist (which I'm sure you would/will ^^), and I hope your stress can lessen soon. It'd be terrible for you to burn out :(
Aug 30, 23 at 9:25pm
Interesting. Gintama is my oldest sister's favorite anime. Not many westerners I know like it as much. A melon soda like ramune? I will say this about 20. Romantic love is overrated. Trying to like yourself... that's the real challenge.
Aug 30, 23 at 2:05am
1. What is your favorite color? 1. What is your favorite color? Blue 2. What music is on your playlist right now? Don't really have one. 3. What anime/manga have you been reading/watching lately? Last thing I watched was a bit of gintima 4. What languages do you speak? English and Spanish, I'm not gonna pretend to be able to speak japanese. 5. What job do you have? I test software on Samsung phones. 6. How many siblings do you have? done 7. Do you get along with your parents? One is practically a stranger who couldn't care less if I died in a ditch, the other is overbearing needy and emotionally manipulative. 8. What is your favorite drink? A particular type of melon soda they don't sell in the US. 9. Do you drive like an asshole? I try not to, but I've had my moments. 10. What classes did you like in school? Woodshop is the only thing that comes to mind. 11. What is your MBTI?(myers-briggs personality assessment) intj I think, or something like that 12. Do you have any religious beliefs? I think a god probably exists because clearly someone up there doesn't like me very much. 13. If you were an anime character, who do you think you'd be?(in an existing anime) I'm not sure if there are any I'd consider too relatable at this point, while there are bits and traits here and there. I guess an easy answer would be a Satou Tatsuhiro, but I don't think I'm nearly that much of a degenerate. I found Adachi Sakura has something of a similar personality and qurks, and I could really relate to the whole facade Shiraki Hime puts on. 14. Are you a brave person in the face of things others would run away from? I dunno if I'd call it brave, but I guess. It's probably just a lack of caring though. humans are more scary than any monster. 15. What is your favorite food? can't go wrong with pizza. 16. What is your ideal first date like? Dinner and a movie, guess I'm boring like that. 17. Do you have the brain worms? The what? 18. What sort of exercise do you like to do? I do 5Ks while watching some shows on my phone. Keeps me motivated if nothing else. 19. Are you a workaholic or a sofa surfer? I don't belive in wage slaving or being defined by your job, nore do I like the idea of being a mindless worker drone. But being a lazy slob can take a mental toll on you too. If I find something I can be passionate about I'd work long and hard on it, but it'd have to be something I benefit from, not some corporate overlord. When I was renovating the last house I lived in, I worked on it from sun up to sun down, but I don't think I'd wanna bother half as much if it was someone else's house. 20. What is love? Something that isn't meant for people like myself.
neeto @neet_one I friend bugged me endless to give it a shot till I caved and did so. As for the soda, look up "Melon Cream Soda", they have it everywhere in japan but it's a bit hard to come by here.
yuuzora @yuuzora Lol. That's how my sister is about it also. She dragged me all the way eastward to see the movie when it came out. I understood all of nothing context-wise. I have friends and family in Japan, so maybe they'll have heard of it. Not many of them are sweet drinkers. They low-key judge me whenever I make milk tea for myself. ;p
neeto @neet_one Sounds like they should have given you a bit of a run down on it. A friend wanted to watch some bleach but he knew I stopped watching that like a decade ago, so he gave me a big old recap of everything leading up to what we were about to watch.
yuuzora @yuuzora Like One Piece. I dare not even try. I think it's surpassed Doraemon by now. My sister just counts on me to understand via subtitles and our cultural ties to Japan. To be fair, that's how I actually completely understood what would happen in Kimetsu no Yaiba. Though some of the Japanese is a bit weird, that's expected of anime that is focused in fantasy. Still better than Dragon Ball Super. I couldn't stand helping with a fan sub because Birus talks soooo weird that it was hard for me to grasp the nuance he spoke with. It was like some drunk nozokiya in an izakaya deep in the dark districts of Kyushu-ben. I don't remember if you're esl?
Aug 29, 23 at 10:39pm
Eee, I live with a Boss Karen, too. My condolences to your sanity. Urdu: Bhosrike. Farsi: Keer What are the meanings of those words?
Aug 28, 23 at 10:48pm
PART...I lost count Yes to both 1 and 2. I need more control over my emotions. I get frustrated very easily 3. Yes I live with one XD 4. My dad's name 5. Normally I'm a spam texter. Long texter when I'm angry or disappointed 6. I don't care about news. The only news that matters to me is news about exams and universities and I get those from all the WhatsApp and Facebook groups related to those. 7. Nope 8. English: FUCK. Urdu: Bhosrike. Farsi: Keer. XD 9. Nah too much work and responsibility 10. "I want a brand new house on an episode of Cribs And a bathroom I can play baseball in And a king-size tub, big enough for ten plus me" Rockstar by Nickelback seriously tho If I'm living with alone or living with my gf/wife with no kids, I'd like to have a house that's spacious but not too big. I don't like being excessive. One large bedroom for me or for me and my wife/gf and another in case I have a guest. I'd like to have a big backyard with a pool. Modern design in a clean neighborhood. Like this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735517722623868999/1145928951898837012/image0.jpg I don't want kids but if my future wife would want one or two maximum, then I'll have no objections. In that case I'd like a bedroom for each child and an extra for guests. Big backyard with pool in a clean and good neighborhood stays the same. Like this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735517722623868999/1145933035225747497/image0.jpg
Amir @amir_bahram Bhosrike basically means cunt and keer means dick but it's funny cuz in urdu, Keer is a dessert XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh. Gotta love double meanings.
Red @redhawk left a comment for yuuzora
Aug 29, 23 at 7:18pm
Aug 27, 23 at 12:13am
Answer however the hell you want. Normal is good. Normal means you aren't a complete crazy person. Being crazy is actually quite painful. I didn't see this on the Discord. I really have to overhaul it, it eats my messages. :< Haddaway, I'll have to look that up. Never heard of it. Also, tacos are life. I especially love pupusas from this Ecuadorian guy where I live. He's a total asshole, but he can make amazing carne asada and even gets fresh goat cheese from one of the farms on my driving route. Those goats like to be petted on the belly. :)
Red @redhawk commented on 20 Questions
Aug 26, 23 at 9:22pm
I actually wrote up all my responses on Discord so imma just post my screenshots on here lol sorry if my answers are bland, answered all the questions posted on here around 2am
Red @redhawk oh what I meant by discord was that I wrote all my answers on there so instead of copy pasting, I just screencapped it instead cx
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh. Okay. Brain dumb. lol
Aug 25, 23 at 8:17pm
By 'nice guy/nice girl' I mean the people that are manipulative and see only romantic conquest rather than seeing a human being. I do believe that survival outcomes would be significantly improved if we started teaching first aid and cpr to every person in school. I think getting a little weak in the knees counts as kishimu.
1. I'll let you know if I ever go to a few 2. I don't think so? I don't really get into the fandom in the sense of knowing how other people act in said fandom lol. I fan all by myself 3. Hmm? I honestly am still trying to work on that for myself :3 4. Yes. God always provided someone to give to our family so we had enough toys to be distracted, however we did like to play outside a lot more 5. Pokemon for me 6. Like the negative, irritating kind? If so, then, no. 7. I don't have friends to personally call me (as I don't have a phone/phone number to give out), but I'd say I'd handle it well. I've done so before with family and I'd extend that same care to my friends too 8. I don't (terrible if I meet anyone that needs it) 9. I don't feel sick per se but I do get weak and my grip loosens in a funny way XD 10. Yes. But I like to think I still handle it pretty well
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh, then definitely never have been a nice girl. That'd be evil to do to someone else :(
yuuzora @yuuzora I can say from personal experience that they are evil. You are prey, you are a toy, a thing, not a person with feelings they care about at all. They just want to bottle up the little faerie until they're done with it, then they will throw it in the trash. I honestly can say I hate them and actively wish them death.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, that is a nasty thing to do to someone. Like, of you want a fling why not find other people that won't take a relationship seriously either?
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh, they don't want a relationship. They want to consume. They don't see you as human. You're just disposable. At least that's how they make you feel.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I know. And not saying I like or agree with flings myself, but I guess my thought is: if you really don't want to be in a relationship or focus on commitment, just don't be in one XD. Or find someone else who is fine with being together once and then moving on after you get... whatever gratification you get from that tbh lol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I just think people should learn how to show decent respect and kindness. But it's not always common to find someone who isn't always a jerk these days :3
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah. It is a common mindset that romantic relationship is a commodity like new iPhone. Rather than connection, it's the status. Perhaps it's been that way a while, but then marrying and dating for love is a relatively new concept. It takes humans a long to unlearn such bad habits.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, I get what you mean. My sisters and I have been talking about relationships lately and I feel like it's a mix of certain people making their relationships their idols vs others treating something that should be beautiful carelessly. It's sad
yuuzora @yuuzora Hnhn. It will take years of teaching ourselves to identify positive, healthy relationships to hope to undo the cycle. I think men appear to have the most work to do with it, but women tend to turn a blind eye to toxic traits in hopes to 'fix' someone. It would be nice to see people accept and love a person as they are, rather than expect them to change to accommodate their needs.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That is true. Sometimes it seems people are hostile towards actual relationships too, and I talked about with my sisters on how back then-and it still can happen today-that a lot of married couples and like elders (whether in the family or not) kind of bullied and singled out single people for the longest time. And I'm sure some relationships some saw were either legit abusive or turning a bline eye to what your partner did (no matter how bad) just because you were married
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying So... technically I guess we have a situation now where single people can bully married, or people that want marriage/a relationship, just for being married or wanting to be married. I also think a lot of folks need to take a step back to realize what actual love and what being in a relationship is. Because I think these days on both sides it can and is misconstrued lol. Sorry for the long walk of text Yuu-chan
yuuzora @yuuzora I prefer longer, completed texts than spam texting, but I am not bothered by either. :) ---------------------------- Truth be told perhaps since marrying for love is still such a new concept that we don't really collectively have a good idea of what this means. Like the difference between lowering standards and compromise. I do notice the bullying. My sisters used to bully me for not wanting romantic relationships to the point I pretended to have a crush to get them off my back. I even tried the online app thing. I honestly found it a bit traumatic. So many 'nice guys and girls'. --------- Maybe teaching what healthy love looks like should be a part of curriculum? There's a few examples in media, but usually they're nerfed in any 'remake' *cough* Adams Family *cough cough*
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I can send whole complete texts for you specifically if you much prefer, don't worry about it okay? And it's sad actually love and affection is such a foreign concept for people, although I do believe people have and still do marry for love, there's still an issue with lots of married or at least coupled people being mean or even hostile to those that aren't in a relationship and also now single people being hostile to the people who are in a relationship with someone. I do think how to act in a relationship and whatnot should be a class too XD
Aug 23, 23 at 1:08pm
OMG seriously. Especially in high humidity area. First time I ever got heat stroke. I'm glad my bois had my back or I'd probably still be wearing the stucco. :(
Rain @rainx commented on cursed images
Aug 23, 23 at 4:36am
Aug 23, 23 at 1:05pm
Same. One can only want to give the poor baby a new one. :,<
That video of racoon dissolving his cotton candy makes me sad everytime I see it
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