squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
I’m in! Eat pumpkin, do crimes! >:3
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
Just thought I'd come inform you of Krispy Kreme having 4 pumpkin spice donuts to try. I'm not a criminal...but I'm broke and desperate for pumpkin flavored things XD. If you want to rob the store with me lmk and we'll make a plan sksksk https://media.tenor.com/VSNRDrilUooAAAAM/grin-anime.gif
Arc @arc I haven't tried the ones from Krispy Kreme but I love the pumpkin donut holes Dunkin has~
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying Never had those ones...let's go rob them too
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying *evil laughter*
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Oh snap. You too? Mine’s been dead for about 2 weeks and gad to manually configure a new one. Hope your Internet situation gets fixed soon.
Last one to post here wins
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
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Last one to post here wins
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
I'm good. Router's dead but I can manage
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Second phase of Sanji cosplay complete. Went to Good Will and found a yellow polo shirt and brown tie. They didn’t have a regular long sleeve shirt which would have been more accurate, but wearing the black suit on top is gonna feel hot as heck, so something more breathable will be more comfortable. Now to secure a suit with gold buttons. :3
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying You look so good! Love the yellow shirt ❤️
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Deviled eggs are a diet cheat code. It pleases the taste buds like an unhealthy treat but is pure protein! I’ve started making them on weekends for my lunch. <3
Last one to post here wins
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Last one to post here wins
yaasshat @yaasshat
Deviled eggs...mmmm. I can get behind that
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
I’ll eat the heck out of anything Pumpkin Spice flavor. I would commit war crimes for the right amount if Pumpkin Spice cheesecake. <3
Public service halloween anouncement
Arc @arc
commented on
Public service halloween anouncement
Arc @arc
pumpkin spice lattes. That's all my life needs for the next month
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying I didn't know there's a cheesecake version of it!!!!
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Lovely shelves. The figures on top are a nice touch. :3
giannaberry @giannaberry
giannaberry @giannaberry
Some of my manga :3
Aka-san @redhawk Noice c"
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Heckin cultured bed room. :D
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Holly Mommy ®
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying Eyy! You got them BB bedsheets. And your plushies are all so cute!
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
I’ve been trying to figure that out too. I click reply and it turns out like this. >.>
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread 5
yuuzora @yuuzora
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread 5
yuuzora @yuuzora
Does anyone know how to reply to a reply to a comment? Like.... I cannot. My brain does not compute. But then my brain is also potato.
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Got my Sanji wig in! May have to trim it just a tad to get it the exact style right, but looks like it should be a good fit. Now I have to work out the outfit. Gonna have to but a yellow shirt, but I have black dress clothes I can add some gold buttons to. <3
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying You look so good!
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Time to shill for an indie game! Anyone remember Bionicle from Lego? This trailer for a fan made game by Team Kanohi just dropped and this is hard core. They go a couple OG voice actors and and a new song by Cryoshell, the same bad that did music for the toy commercials. This goes way harder than a Lego game should. <3