12分 ago

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Mommy's Character Creations and Stories
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying

約3時間 ago
約5時間 ago
Want to throat punch my upstairs neighbors, speaking of beating up. Dog yapping, feet stomping, vacuum... vacuuming... Plus! I punched my ceiling in passive aggression and hurt my knuckle. lol ;__; Meh... Dude is more than likely under house arrest and has no concept of time(Got evidence to back that up.). Usually they're quiet, but tonight they party, I guess.
約5時間 ago
約7時間 ago
約9時間 ago
約8時間 ago
Alright, people, a bit of a rant on a disturbing topic. Today, we're going to learn about that slippery slope in reguards to the transgender community, and some evidence pointing to the fact that its closer to the far right camp than you think. Recently had a far right friend try to tell me the left is enabling pedophiles, you know, the whole slippery slope thing which is nothing new, but if you go on 4chan and ask some anons where all the stardew valley mods from nexus that got 'Canceled by the Woke Mob' go, they point you here.
Now I don't care about the lolicon and shotacon stuff. I'm more open minded than most, being an old school otaku. So I get the fictosexual distinction between reality and fiction in the realm of hentai. How one's interest in fiction don't always translate to real life attraction. (For example, I'd find real life tsundere behavior to be downright toxic with all kinds of psychological red flags in real life relationships for example, but in anime characters, it's downright endearing and adorable.) So the loli spouse conversion mods? Those aren't as alarming as some of the other mods. They are harmless. No adult content, and they actually behave like the anime archetype more than real children. Just a cute way to reimagine your pixilated waifu. Then you have a bunch of race swap mods, followed by brain dead anti lgbt mods, and this one mod made by a christian modding team that's a bit weird which replaces Linus with Jesus. And yes. its the meta preachy kinda mod. The diverse junimos looks alright at first, until you realize it just kinda culturally misappropriates them to cliched cultural and racial stereotypes, and I don't need to point out Hajeeb, as the full title tells its own story in its full title.
Then you have mods that enable the children for the NSFW mods on nexus. Like Milk the Villagers Unrestricted or Valley Girls - Jas Extension. Yeah, I see why those got hard canceled off nexus, but dwell around any booru board or pixiv, and odds are you've gotten desensitized to that shit by now. The important part to remember with this kinda content is; you don't equate reality and fiction. You compartmentalize the hell out of it. But then you have the less ambiguous mods. The child grooming simulators that let you marry Jas and Vincent, essentially turning your farmer in their heart events into a total creeper that lurks around children, and eventually trying to satisfy their developing sexual curiosities. For those who remember the yandere jas mod, it shares a lot of the same DNA with the Jas Marriage mod. Lot of the same heart events early on. I'm actually not sure what came first. You could look it up the yandere jas mod on youtube, if you want to see for yourself what I mean, it shouldn't be too hard to find a video that points out a lot of the strange stuff your character does. Though I warn you about adding them to your game.
Your personal kinks and fantasies and fictosexaul beliefs or philosophies, let's talk about what is wrong here. Do you know what makes something like the Tucker Diaries or (On my side of the political spectrum) the Anarchist Handbook 'dangerous' material? They come off as an instruction manuals. That's what a REAL slippery slope looks like. Now as for the reason the PC left cancels anime loli material in general? Thing is, ALL OF IT can be used by pro contact pedos as child grooming material. Bare that in mind next time someone tries to bait you with an out of context transgender pedo video. Where do these mods get posted? Who's posting their mods alongside them? And who canceled them to begin with? That tells its own story.
約9時間 ago
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