Sep 10, 24 at 1:30am

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Create A Better Title For An Existing Anime
Gabriel @gabriel_true

"The Duke of Edging and His Thirstful Maid"
Alternatively one could also name the series:
"Forever Cockblocked by a Witch's Curse"
Sep 10, 24 at 12:20am
Returned to find I'm still stuck in a cave with no clear direction on how to progress. I now have too many objectives so trying to understand the simplist way forward is confusing.
Not helped by the fact I'm not a fan of tedious side mission grinding either.
Sep 08, 24 at 1:17pm
I don't think being selfish can necessarily be a bad thing. Especially in the case of work, especially since the point of people working is usually to get paid, and that's not a bad thing...we all need to eat and pay bills. Neither do I think it's bad for you to expect or want people to help you out, ESPECIALLY in a business setting.
But, I do think there's a point one can cross when the selfishness becomes a bad or dangerous thing. Like, if you do nice or good things for people all the time to be seen, praised, rewarded or to later come back and demand they help you just because you helped them, that is selfishness pared with entitlement. I think depending on what feelings are paired with "selfishness" is what makes it bad or harmful. I'm sorry if I didn't make sense...but, I do have experience with people/a person that are selfish in all the ways that are upsetting XD.
Sep 07, 24 at 7:19pm
Hope everything gets better for you and your family.
Sep 06, 24 at 4:58pm
Hit 7 miles at 40 mins on the bike today. Not bad. Will start shooting for 10 miles I guess.
Sep 06, 24 at 12:41pm
Sep 04, 24 at 9:42pm
I'm sorry to say this Dennis, but after reviewing the medical test results we've concluded that what you have is indeed "terminal."
You've got six months to live.
Have you thought about planning a trip to Hawaii? There's this classic movie about a man with terminal cancer sky diving into an active volcano as his last hoorah!
If you would be interested I wouldn't mind starting a donation thread so we can afford to book you that flight over Mt. Kilauea.
Please let us help in your time of need, Dennis. I want your final moments to be memorable and to not waste what precious little time you've left becoming frustrated and lost or worrying over the cost of feeling alive again just one last time.
The sign couldn't be more clear, Dennis! Take the plunge into a volcano on your next terminal visit to Hawaii!
Sep 03, 24 at 5:53pm
Sep 03, 24 at 12:34pm
Sep 03, 24 at 9:47am
Sep 02, 24 at 12:15pm
2nd Riddle of Today (yesterday's) Reveal:
Q: I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
A: A map
Winner: N/A
Sep 02, 24 at 6:37am
When a person is always at home and does not go out, it is 20-22°C. When he walks here and there, the difference between outside and inside temperature is a maximum of 6-7°C. And I have photovoltaics, I don't deal with consumption.
Sep 02, 24 at 12:01am
Aug 31, 24 at 2:53pm

Aug 31, 24 at 11:13am
Apparently some Anime Rave is going on in October.
It seems like fun, though I laughed at the hashtag ( #WeTouchGrass). Anyone in the San Antonio area ever heard of it? I sure haven't but will check it out.