lepotoy381 @lepotoy381
Role of a Virtual Assistant in Healthcare
lepotoy381 @lepotoy381
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Oct 06, 24 at 4:32am
This account has been suspended.
Oct 05, 24 at 1:27pm
I just like candy. I don't think I can choose an exact favorite XD.
Oct 05, 24 at 1:14pm
Oct 04, 24 at 3:24am
<a href="https://merge-fruit.com">Merge Fruit</a>
[url=https://merge-fruit.com]Merge Fruit[/url]
[Merge Fruit](https://merge-fruit.com)
Oct 02, 24 at 2:09am
Anyone want to VC and watch me play, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch for awhile and then I will let someone stream their shit too if they want (: please....i'm bored and I can't sleep? or we can VC and play poke'mon gen 9 (violet/scarlet, violet is my main save)?
Sep 30, 24 at 4:48am
::pirate hat::
Sep 28, 24 at 8:21pm
As to the original question on this thread. Earthquake. They happen all the time. Also trains.
I have a railroad crossing a couple miles from my house that despite being not visible, I can still feel and hear subtle motions and noises.
Also have a racetrack about 5 miles away and I can still hear the engines roar.
Now as to my unexplained thing. Why does my company pay me to be trained in a field only to cancel said training, but expect I will be proficient in it? Like why spend the money and promise a set schedule, but don't let me make use of the time practicing to become proficient? Then ask why I can't do that additional task by people who can't do the task either?
It's unexplainable!
Sep 27, 24 at 6:57pm
Sep 27, 24 at 6:50pm
My type is a one-eyed, one-horned, pigeon-toed, undergrowed, flyin' purple people eater who just wants to join a rock and roll band and wear short shorts!

Sep 26, 24 at 2:32am
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Sep 25, 24 at 7:46am
Cheesy but a classic.
Sep 24, 24 at 12:34pm
Well, I normally have nightmares but last night it actually was a pretty good dream. Me and a girl were play wrestling on like a picnic table. Like I'd try to hold them down, then they'd flip me and try to do the same, but we'd also keep each other from falling off. We were just like having so much fun, laughing and enjoying ourselves, but in the background I could hear people calling us like, disgusting and rude. Basically acting like we're doing something wrong just be being out in public.
Ultimately I'd call it a dream more than a nightmare. But my normal dreams are like, me drowning in darkness or literally getting washed out into the ocean, or stalked. So it was strange to have something different happen.