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sakurakiss @sakurakiss
sakurakiss @sakurakiss
Aww, so cute and fluffy! ♥

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
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Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean

my flooff we both have flooffs!!

sakurakiss @sakurakiss
sakurakiss @sakurakiss

A flower coaster I’m making.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That is so adorable (人*´∀`)。*゚+.

sakurakiss @sakurakiss Thank you! ♥

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You're very welcome, Kura! Is this the first one you've made or have you made a couple already?

sakurakiss @sakurakiss It’s the first one. I’m thinking of making a blue or yellow one next. Maybe both if I have enough yarn left.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Aww, I'm biased towards yellow as it's my favorite color, but I hope you have enough yarn to do more, these are adorable. Do you sell them?

sakurakiss @sakurakiss I don't but I think it would be neat to open an Etsy shop someday or sell things at a convention.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I hope you get some good business if you ever choose to open up a store someday. I know from watching my eldest sister, word of mouth and even self advertising doesn't hurt either. ❤️

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean omg i love this i used to know how
i emboidered more than did this thats probably why i dont remember how to do it
i recently within the last 3 months learned a new crochet pattern >_>
its a rectangular granny square pattern but one used to make like actual full blankets, so i am making a redish hues and shades, gold, silver and black colors of yarn for the blanket and am making it california king sized and i am going to give it to my husband on our honeymoon king sized for my king^-^ along with a pair of customized by me nike airforces with his name and his favorite anime character on mine on the ring finger side with his ring finger hand holding the anime characters wifes ring finder hand and there is a string of fate on their ring fingers. super romantic shit i be doin the most i swear...i go all out for my man ^-^ i also think it would be cool to write a song and have us paint to it at our wedding reception and have him be like, "YOU WROTE THIS DIDNT YOU?!" because he knows me just a fun wedding game ^-^

sakurakiss @sakurakiss
sakurakiss @sakurakiss
Merry Christmas! ~ <3
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