To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Let us take time to reflect upon what we are each thankful for. It's easy to speak of dismay, yet we often overlook the smallest of blessings in our lives. Be glad for some have lost much while others were gifted greatly. It still behooves that any generosity in life be acknowledged as such.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to reply truthfully! May God give to each what they need!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Today I am fulfilled by recognizing all that my heavenly father has provided! Through Christ's support I have come this far. I give thanks not because of obligation rather genuine love. God has always blessed us even when we weren't aware of it. Now more than ever I know this to be true.
Thank you sincerely, God and your beloved son. Both are my blessings and honor. May together they be at peace. Amen!
Also thanks for helping with my family and the recent addition of the cat. It's clear to me that that was your doing. The cats been feisty lately, however its rebellious soul mirrors my own. Perhaps this animal will provide a lesson in how I should control these whimsical emotions of mine. If nothing else.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
yaasshat @yaasshat
My coffee maker no longer smells of burnt milk!
My kids. I need to truly work on addressing my depression, but my kids are what make me constantly reevaluate my life and they bring me joy. There's so much stress currently in my life,but they are never the cause (Except my son being just as I was at his age... HYPER and karmic pay back? lol). To be honest, years ago I wrote up a suicide note and the one thing that stopped me was that I want to see who I become and I felt it in my bones that having kids was at least one of my reasons to exist. I've since contemplated, but I truly feel that I have a duty to see this thing through for their sake. I have much that most of the world lacks and I have to constantly remind myself of that fact.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I am grateful for many things in my life, and it's to God, Jesus and my family I thank.
I just am grateful for God keeping my family together when we should have been taken away when younger (because of our homelessness). God's spirit of oneness and togetherness kept us in times we couldn't keep ourselves. And just so we won't be here forever XD, I am just thankful for the life I've been given.
It's not always easy to live but it's worth it in the end
Arc @arc
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Arc @arc
I'm thankful that I'm in a healthy long term relationship. I'm thankful that even though I have a lot of anxiety I'm still never depressed. I'm thankful that nukes haven't flown. I'm thankful for thicc ass anime bitches. I'm thankful for all the friends that I know.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Today I am grateful to our Heavenly Father for the beautiful afternoon I am experiencing while on break. It's not extremely hot and he sends a periodic cool breeze my way. I enjoy this wonderful gift of simple pleasure. Amen!
Anti-spyware @joemama711
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Anti-spyware @joemama711
To my family for always being there even when they're a pain in the butt.
Really cant beat $200 in rent, $ 150 internet and rest is whatever my bills are, i have my moms old car so no car payments, no diseases, teeth( maybe gone later sadly).
Veru @verucassault
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Veru @verucassault
I'm thankful for my husbando. He brings me flowers for no reason and it's literally better than getting them on Valentine's Day. And his family for taking me in so easily and being functional enough to still share holidays together... which is the opposite of my family.
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Careful with "Grateful" around a jojo fan. Or you'll find that nursing homes will have a surprising rocket in business. Grateful Dead! Jokes aside I will actually write an honest answer. I'm just slapping this on here first, coz MO on mobile hates me
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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To Give Thanks: What Are You Grateful For and to Whom?
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Me? What am I grateful for? Everythin' and everyone that's kept me alive thus far. Edit: okay fine I'll say a bit more. Everything that's kept me alive, food, water... Everyone that's kept me strong, my friends, and my younger sister especially... and well, if I wasn't alive, I'd be dead. I don't wanna be dead. All there is to it.
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