Describe Your Ideal Person

yuuzora @yuuzora
Describe Your Ideal Person
yuuzora @yuuzora
What sort of person do you look for? Are you being realistic in what you anticipate? Are your standards too low? Too high? Maybe posting it will uncurse you? Maybe it'll curse you? Only way to know is to post it. You can technically always delete it.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Describe Your Ideal Person
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Sugar momma, enjoys working out, got a dumpy and the big boing boings and finishies my....

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Describe Your Ideal Person
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I don't know if this is for an ideal person. But I didn't know where else to put this lol. I love dad energy when men can have it.
And I don't mean ANY kind of dad energy. But GOOD dad energy, like, you are such a dad if someone didn't want your kid's I'd be shooketh kind of energy coming off of that man.
The wait a second...I could just have your kids, right? He makes you want to be a mother or at least you wanna see someone be the mother of HIS children energy. lol
And I could go on and on about this. But I love a good dad, okay? Having one in my own life I love to see it in other men too :')

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
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Describe Your Ideal Person
Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
I'll bite if they're both an idiot and a jojo fan. My favorite combination

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Describe Your Ideal Person
Someone You used to know. @joemama711


Amir @amir_bahram
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Describe Your Ideal Person
Amir @amir_bahram
Alive (necessary) woman (optional)

yuuzora @yuuzora
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Describe Your Ideal Person
yuuzora @yuuzora
Overall I'd say men should have more standards for themselves. You shouldn't be desperate for a woman to the point of accepting anything. One because you'll only find toxic people that way, two it'll force you to settle for someone who is less than capable, and three it means you expect little of yourself.
You're worth more. As long as you're trying to be a good partner. As long as you are trying to enjoy your own company and being honest about what you really want.
Find out what you really want from a person. This should help:
1. Do you want someone with emotional intelligence, book smarts, street smarts, or a healthy balance of them all?
2. Do you want long or short term? Some people only want casual things. That's okay, but it is important to state that upfront.
3. Are you a man child or a woman who acts like a baby? If so, grow up. Women aren't your mother and men can't read your mind like you're a damn baby.
4. Are you mentally, financially, physically stable enough to have someone else put up with your shit? If no, make a plan to fix those things first. Even if you're not 100% there, as long as you're working on it should be good enough.
5. Weird thing, but what is your 'sex drive'? If you have a low or high one, it's okay to know what you need and state that. Don't date someone who isn't prepared for those things.
6. What are the red flags YOU give off? We all have toxic traits. Some people are more well equipped than others to handle it. Being aware of your own red flags helps you to avoid people who will highlight those traits! (This includes identifying your misogynistic and misandrist thoughts and dismantle them. It's toxic, toxic bullshit.)
7. Finding out your love language is a good way to understand how you'll receive and give affection. It isn't set in stone, but it helps us to understand how someone shows how they care. Your love language needs to compliment your partner's.
8. Match the energy. If they are a serious person who doesn't like to joke around a lot or hates pranks, you're gonna want to know that ahead of time.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Describe Your Ideal Person
yaasshat @yaasshat
You want balance. No one direction is the right direction when you(Both, really .) are the end goal. Many branches make up a tree and so do they also make up the intricacies that are what we call "human".
It's like this, my love language is touch and I absolutely thrive on touch. But, if you neglect being genuine with actions or words of affirmation, I'll start to question the legitimacy of the aforementioned touch and that touch will lose any and all meaning. I go on intention and action. If they both don't line up, neither really matters anymore.
As well, a person cannot be put into some box of numbers, unless you like counting for a really long time. It's more complex than a few options. We can desire many things, but when the offer is made, it becomes much more complex than previously thought.
Have your standards,your things you wont bend on. But, don't be so rigid that you give up on everybody you meet until you believe you've found "the one".

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Describe Your Ideal Person
Someone You used to know. @joemama711

I believe in tom girl supremecy.

wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
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Describe Your Ideal Person
wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1

I think romance is going to end up differently for everyone. Love is complicated and there's just a ton of factors you can't really plan out or It's really not one would expect to be a reality or maybe if you're lucky it is possible to find what you were looking for? xD Regardless, they are just idealized and nothing is perfect nor is anyone on this planet. it's just like fantasizing about a fictional character from an anime, manga, game, movie, tv shows etc but still I have them as much as anyone haha.
Anyways! If i had to describe my ideal person she'd be like... Marin Kitagawa from My Dress Up Darling. Expressive, highly spirited, easy going, fun to be around and never makes life boring, passionate about things she loves and never afraid to openly share them. I honestly think about someone that's like my best friend who i can feel comfortable around, someone who i can open up about anything whether it's the good or bad things.
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