Weird Successes

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Weird Successes
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
What's the weirdest thing you've done and
you ended up liking it? For me it was trying a Black Bean Smoothie with dates, protein powder and sweetner. Couldn't taste the beans at all and was very filling.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Weird Successes
yaasshat @yaasshat
Having kids.... They're weird creatures that scream, cry, poop, pee and vomit. Sometimes in that order.

Arc @arc
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Weird Successes
Arc @arc
Fast walk/stomp towards my cats like a crazy person to get a reaction

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Weird Successes
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Aka-san @redhawk
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Weird Successes
Aka-san @redhawk
Not trying to be elaborate and just being upfront and honest lol

commented on
Weird Successes
Cooking minute rice in 58 seconds

Rain @rainx
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Weird Successes
Rain @rainx

Rain @rainx
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Weird Successes
Rain @rainx

Rain @rainx
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Weird Successes
Rain @rainx

Rain @rainx
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Weird Successes
Rain @rainx

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