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Love to wish, hold on you
This constantly-burning feeling
Sways along with the white waves and the sky
I'm starting to get lonely while (shedding)
A droplet of the season that paints us in clad-blue summer

DEACTIVATED @swadian Take me up, make me hot
Our lengthening shadow coming together on the sand
Melts into one in the summer night
Embraced by the stars that appear in the sky
Someday they will become our memories

sanityfan @sanityfan
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sanityfan @sanityfan
Hello there

lagendryvivek22 @lagendryvivek22
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lagendryvivek22 @lagendryvivek22
Zoro have three sword master but I am best in my own single sword
Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-
Geez, you people don't even let someone deactivate their account in peace I swear. I removed the access rights from everyone and sealed the document, then, unlinked it, which means it will be destroyed once I delete the form. Also closed up the form.
For those who like these things, don't worry, there's quite a few fellas who kept asking for ownership of this, so just wait for them to open up their own thread, now if you'll excuse me... time to deactivate again. Play nice fellas, I'm tired of having to come back here.
Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-
Back to the eternal slumber, I do am breaking my vow right now to someone after all