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...Marriage... >.<

I personally don't believe in marriage due to the fact that people do not need a economic arrangement to love someone
Mar 25, 16 at 8:48pm
As far as marriage goes...To be honest, I'd rather not get married at all, because I don't think it would work out for me, the wife would want to have children when I would rather not be a father, and a lot of other things. Short: I don't think marriage is for me.
Mar 25, 16 at 9:10pm
no, but my mom is always pressuring me to get laid and make babies -_-;
@Arc Yes!!!!! Everyone in my family thinks I'm going to get someone pregnant soon XD
I want to wear the wedding dress but don't want to get married yet. lol My brother already married with 2 kids. So I didn't get any pressure to have kids. lol
Mar 25, 16 at 10:08pm
My personal opinion is that you don't need a piece of paper to show your love and devotion to someone. I would go as far as exchanging rings, but, not the big wedding, nor the signing of legal documents.
Mar 25, 16 at 10:09pm
my mom never says that, except she says you need a cute asian girl. she knows i like asians and i wish she didnt
Oh, my. I forgot that this thread even existed. XD
Hmmmm I kinda wanna wear a wedding dress too. I think I would look like a very pretty bride.
Anyway, thank you for the advice everyone. ^w^
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