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...Marriage... >.<

I will wearing the tuxedo then, reverse role sounds funny. Lol
Hahaha that would be pretty funny. Lol
I never get pressured for marriage. I get pressured by people who want me to get married but I'm no rush to be forever committed to somebody that might not work so well with me. I never rush into marriage. Its never a good thing to get married right away. I at least wait 2 or so years before deciding.
Mar 26, 16 at 4:13am
Marriage is a bad joke. It means nothing outside of the legal benefits, and even then it's only really beneficial to women while being a massive gamble for men. With divorce rates being what they are you might as well bet your life on a coin toss.
I don't think that's fair Neet! It's whoever's richer who suffers in the divorce, and sometimes that can be the woman. You can also go into a marriage with a pre-nup to stop the money thieving these days. It is true that married couples get more benefits in society than un-married couples though, like tax breaks and such. I think marriage has become too much of a fashion accessory though; it's too easy to decide to get married to impress your friends or whatever and then realise it's a huge mistake and divorce to get out of it. You shouldn't get married until you're sure, and even then put in the effort to make things work - you made a commitment, stick to it; it was obviously worth it when you went into it.
Mar 26, 16 at 9:04am
I'm a single Asian girl who's a couple of years away from 30 so yeah, I get pressured about marriage. The only thing mitigating that a little is that I'm in school but lord help me once I graduate. And I'll be in the 30's then so I can get the double whammy of "you should get married" and "have a baby soon or it'll have Down syndrome"
Mar 26, 16 at 9:46am
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Mar 30, 16 at 12:01am
Nope, no pressure here. Marriage is a big life choice. Take your whole life, if you have to. Well maybe not your WHOLE life..just by age 99. The big 100..is a big thing. Only a few make it to be a centurion. Might as be 100 with someone. Now that I wasted a paragraph..NAH. Take your time for marriage. NOW kids...that is another story. Apparently, it is hard after 30. Not an expert for 30, not that I know, but maybe that'll explain why relatives nag as the older you get and are single. If you do get married after 30, the bright side is you will have a very fun time trying to make things happen, even after the first attempt, whoever that lucky gentlemen is going to be. The not so fortunate that can't have kids... Well there are options.. I'll let the other ladies in the house talk about that one.
I'm actually ready to get married if I find the right person. Kind of tired of the dating scene TBH. She must like anime though, and cuddling.
Mar 30, 16 at 12:19am
Regarding nerdguy's statement, 35 is generally the milestone regarding fertility issues. At least on the women's side, I'm not sure about guys but I think it's around the same time. And also I should note that a decent portion of infertility problems are solely on the man so it's something for everyone who's thinking about kids to consider
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