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...Marriage... >.<

Most likely is finance since woman think of money as they get older. When they are young they think hot stud but after a while money comes into play time to get rid of old and unpopular things. Maybe is a trend or somewhere love doesn't exist as they marry.
I would marry my current girlfriend, but not today or tomorrow. She's great, but we've yet to live together and see if we could work. Marriage is slightly superfluous for me as I'm unable to father kids, already told my parents and grandparents I'm sterile and to look to my younger brother. I would not get married in a Christian church, as an atheist. I would only accept a Buddhist or polytheistic-type religious ceremony.
I think it shouldn't be a thought until you have at least more than 4 or 5 years into a relationship and have lived with this special person for a while now. I know the feeling of being pressure to get married way to well after being in a 5 year relationship. But before that special day comes all things involving a strong relationship to the financial stand point has to be just right. And most of all both individuals have to keep in mind what they both want to achieve in life because it only gets more difficult when kids are involved
>utah Now i understand why everyone around OP is getting married despite being hella young. I dont think in most places of the US does our society expect you to be married at 22.
Oct 28, 15 at 3:38am
I don't think too much about it. I'm currently focusing on other things. I would consider marriage at perhaps age 25-28. I'm 21 and believe that it's not the right time for me.
@clarity24 - That is a sensible attitude. @MainichiMaidCafe - I think in the last census average age of first marriages in the US was age 27 and was closer to 22 in the past for sure. In some European countries it as high as 35 now. People are waiting a little longer now to start families as it takes more time/work sometimes to establish a stable career in this economy. Starting a family is expensive and women can afford to wait a little longer to have kids now as health care has improved and can help mitigate some of the risks.
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@Queen Fancy~! &lt;3 Don't let some silly forced upon ritual make you do something you don't wanna do~ just because other people are willing to settle, that's their problem =u= oh, and you're definitely not "an old maiden" so don't let that idea even stick around! ^u^ As for me~ I've actually been fairly free to decide myself.. But I still look forward to marrying my dream girl ^u^
That's funny. Marriage is not feasible for me atm and I enjoy it this way. I advise you to go against what people say is normal and find your own idea on it.
Nov 08, 15 at 7:01am
People should marry when the time is right, don't want a sham marriage because societal pressures. such as When have already invested the relationship for a long time, I'd say 4-5 years minimum and When it's financially viable. Marriage is big step in life that shouldn't be rushed.
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