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who should become the next US president?

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Hillary Clinton...obviously...
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Oct 16, 15 at 9:39pm
Who is the shiniest of the turds? Out of all the republican candidates, I couldn't relate to one of them. Hillary clinton? Wicked witch of the west. Bernie Sanders? He lost my support when he labeled himself as a socialist. Damn, I might as well vote for trump and watch the hilarity insure. I might just be too depressed at the choices to even vote.
Sanders. He may be socialist, but socialism is better than fascism. Hillary Clinton is an example of an utterly incapable woman. She has all the competency of a quadriplegic housewife. Trump is a racist, fascist, and will destroy what remains of the US. His platform should be 'I will kick out all the niggers, kikes, spics, fags, chinks, and blast the entire Middle East to hell with nukes and bankrupt the economy multiple times!' Mind you, I'm for none of those. I will only vote if Sanders wins the Democratic primary, which he will. Clinton should go fucking hang herself.
They're all horrible selections. I don't even care anymore it's like being asked which eye you'd prefer to get stabbed in. we're damned if we do damned if we don't, and there's no chances of getting any decent candidates as the media will black them out if they try.
It is sad that Trump is the least disgusting out of the whole bunch and that is not saying much. I kinda want to see Trump at least win the GOP primary. I love watching the talking heads in the media lose their minds because they can not compute how Trump has spoiled their plans and defied their decrees. All they can do is insult his brash ego but can't ignore he gets results in his trade. I see Trump as the silent majorities way of trolling the establishment until they decide who they really will vote for. If by some dart throw in hell chance he became president he would quickly find out how much power the president does not have. World leaders could however come to fear or respect him because he is not a politician and won't back down. He is a tough and unpredictable man with the keys to a few thousand nuclear weapons and trade policies so they might take a cautious stance. Sanders is kind of the same way for the Democrats with less perks. The media master always says Clinton is favored but polls show Sanders winning instead like in the last debates. I like Sanders some but he has some unrealistic policy ideas that sound good to voters until they get the bill. He has been in DC for three decades already collecting a paycheck by the graces of our labors. Bill Clinton and Obama got the top job with less time in DC beforehand than Sanders combined. He is a passionate and good person I am sure but I am not convinced he can deter Putin and other world powers or even a kitchen chef from messing with us. Clinton is nothing but corrupt baggage and I have been a voter since voting her husband into office. She is a dictator by the testimony of her own subordinates (that are still alive) not a leader. I don't want another Clinton or a Bush dynasty, she already wore the pants in the White House the first time anyway. One of my friends I used to play EVE Online with was one of the Ambassador's assistants that was killed in Benghazi so it's really personal for me as well. Her other middle east policies were all failures. Does anyone remember Hillary 'resetting' relations with Russia in that stupid red button stage show? She did such a good job were back to the Cold War except this time it's gonna start as a proxy war in Syria and end god knows when. The only card she has played consistently is the gender card counting on America voting off the guilt over sexism like they tried to buy off racism by electing Obama. I would love to see a Woman become President but no eligible candidates are on the card this time. As a taxpayer for nearly 25 years I am displeased with my investment. All these political analysts are predicting off the numbers of the last 2 elections which has low turnout. The last election barely 35% of eligible voters in the entire country showed up to vote and that's how the GOP locked down the house and narrowed the Senate margin. That power shift allowed gridlock to continue even though they promise to play nice every year. The voters are pissed and might show up to the polls and the establishment might not like what happens. The partisan politics game has to end before the voters put down the pen and pick up the sword. I am a centrist so I will go with whoever makes the most sense(sucks the least) when that time comes.
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I'm not from america but US friends of me aren't really happy about any of those 3 ^.^' Just hope it will not be trump, I got a bad feeling about that
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