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Have you ever been friendzoned?

I was wondering if it ever happened to anyone and if they would like to share what happened?I used to know a girl in Thailand and we were really hitting it off but when I didn't want to move there she kinda just friend zoned me.I don't really know what I was expecting outta a long distance relationship but I guess it was more my fault for thinking she might eventually move to the U.S. rather than me moving there.Of course most long distance relationships are destined to fail when one partner decides they don't want to move to the others location...Maybe next time I'll learn
BY using the term "friendzone," you're already a red flag to women. and you're not even using it ironically smh
Technically "friendzoned" is any girl that doesn't want to fuck/relationship you but is still willing to be friends. It's not really a bad thing. Sure, it would be nice if all girls had the same sex drive as guys (though girls with high sex drives tend to be labeled as "sluts" which is stupid, but means girls feel pressured to hide their sexuality and act "picky" like most girls.) Unfortunately we aren't the star of a harem anime with every girl throwing themselves at us.
Can't say I've gotten it much but I've given it a few times. Don't much bother me though, Better to be friends than nothing.
yeah i've been friend zoned a couple times, its whatever not like being friends is a bad thing
Nah, I'm the one who does the friendzoning! >:D ...JK XD
When I was younger it happened a few times. FZ is mostly a self made prison but people can banish partners (men and women) to it sometimes. @neko - If she is not into you and just wants to be friends that's just wanting to be friends. If you continue to chase when there is no option of that outcome by her words that is putting yourself in the FZ if you do not want to reciprocate and be only platonic. Some anime characters do this and say 'I am just happy being close to them'. Now if she is openly leading you on for favors implying she will upgrade your status in the future or physically teases you (seduction) that is her putting you in the FZ if she gets cold again after getting said favor. This is also called being their bitch if your getting laid it is called pussy whipped lol. Boys if you want to avoid the FZ when meeting girls remember this meme/rule to live by. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/749/894/a76.jpg Even soul drained the king of Rohan was still one of the best men in all of Middle Earth.
I never really liked the term friendzone, but I guess it is the only name I can think of to give these situations. Everybody has been there even if it's at least once - I believe there are two types of this situation though; one where you approach the girl as a friend looking for friendship but you're really looking for a relationship with them, that's a self-created barrier whether or not its intentional so that one is your fault. Then you have the one where the girl just simply isn't into you, even though you made it clear you're interested in them but they're more than happy to be friends, this will inevitably happen at some point and probably already has. I wouldn't think bad about it, just being friends is fine and dandy if you ask me. Personally I just stay friends with them and move on and find someone else.
Sep 14, 15 at 7:57am
It's not that uncommon to be friendzoned, but people take word 'friendzone' out of proportion, it just means you've been rejected and are now friends, it isn't as sleazy as everyone makes it out to be, it literally is a zone where friends are put.
I am a bit buzzed, but I figure giving my 2 cents could be fun. Being friendzoned sucks, sure, but it has taken me a long time to learn how to think of relationships correctly. Some people out there you click with, some you don't. Some like you, and some you like. And when you find a time that you both like each other, then you are good for a relationship. Patience, Understanding, Love, when you can establish that in yourself, you are on the right track. I will say, perhaps the best way to think of it is, just because you think that person is the one, doesn't mean they are. You can never predict the future, for all you know, they will die that night, and that is it. This is just part of being mortal. But as well, think of it from both sides, when you can understand them and their actions, as well as your own, and respect them for it, and "love" them still. (I use love a little loosely here. my way of thinking is to love everyone, even with their faults, no matter what. If you can understand that you know what I mean. (Americans seem to be a bit uptight about love and sexuality. I am American too.)) Be patient, just because you asked them out, doesn't mean they have to say yes, and perhaps they have a good reason for it. So to do what I am say, in many ways is more difficult than it sounds. I pride myself on working to understand people and following the way of patience, understanding, and love. For those who care, my experiences come from a love I once had who I would have given anything to, we drifted apart. Many who I have had crushes on and thought they would be the one, childhood friends, and classmates. Many of my ex's. err perhaps I should say 'most' instead? (I don't have that many) But at the end of the day, I don't worry about it. People say, "it happens", "it wasn't meant to be", "you weren't right for each other", "everything happens for a reason", etc... but most of the time people use these, because they don't know what else to say, they don't really understand, and you shouldn't blame them. We as people are inherently terrible at communication. And we work every day at making it worse. but even still they want to try and make you feel better, even with a miserable attempt. As being someone who has been there, it sucks, I know. But once you understand it, So what? They did what they thought was best at the time. And it is not your place to determine what is right and wrong for them. And for those of you who are the friendzoners, "YOU HEARTLESS JERKS!!!" hahahaha, sorry had to get that out there. Be gentle when you can, sometimes your actions mean a lot to others, and when you can recognize it, and adapt what you are saying so that they can understand what you mean and that you do not mean to hurt them, then I think that is your best course of action. We all strive to handle it in a mature manor, but until we are "mature" then understanding how to handle it properly is never going to happen. Even I am still pretty immature, I am not above any of this. In closing, I hope this helps, and am open to feedback. I actually look forward to hearing what other think. I like to understand people. Every input helps. If I need to clarify anything please let me know, again, I am a bit buzzed saying all this.
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