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dragonfly2001 @dragonfly2001
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dragonfly2001 @dragonfly2001
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anes15 @anes15
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anes15 @anes15
Thanks for the friend request

DoubleZero @doublezero
DoubleZero @doublezero
HAHAHA, fantastic! I don't think I could have asked for a better response.
Post title goes here (distance + lack of communication = a bad time)

DoubleZero @doublezero
commented on
Post title goes here (distance + lack of communication = a bad time)
DoubleZero @doublezero
Well, I guess I was expecting more of a result. But here I am to answer my own problems.
So the point of the original post more or less was me not knowing where to begin. From that I have found what it is that is bothering me, and even outlined exactly what it is that I need to do. I know the problems and the solutions, and there is no use sitting complaining about how bad it is for me. I now must talk about what it is that I feel. I cannot sit back and expect that things will solve themselves. I know what it is I want, and I am not alone in this relationship. I am in it with her. So yes, I will have my weaknesses. But after all I know what is bothering me. Some things I just needed to say, because otherwise it would keep poisoning my thoughts. I have my worries but all in all, they will all get sorted in the end. For now, I know what words I need to use. So I will go use them. My life cannot stop because I am feeling down. And this is how I keep on going in my life.
This is not just a post about me. If at all anyone gains some idea of how to do things better or differently because of me, I am happy. I know who the person I love is, and I know to trust them, untill they give me reason not to. That is how it all began anyways. Well maybe another time I will get some comments. But perhaps I guess I am First? All well. I will pop back in when I am ready or have some free time. Till then keep on keeping on. Oh and remember, get it by your hands.
I give up.

DoubleZero @doublezero
commented on
I give up.
DoubleZero @doublezero
Hmmm relationships are scary at first. I think before you understand yourself and your wants and needs the task of trying to incorporate your life with another's is a hurculean task. Day9 gave some good advice when he said to go fail at something. To just go out and try your hardest at something you are passionate about and then fail. That failing can be used to help you learn about life and yourself. I don't view a change in gender as an answer to the problem but this isn't the point. For someone who is having issues beginning a relationship, I would agree with those saying keep trying, but also the fear of failure seems more scary than it is. Also, understanding for me has been a big help. Possibly a hindrance in some ways but that's not the point again.
Ehhhh to sum it up, I would say, don't be Afraid to ask about what you don't understand, make sure you understand what it is that you don't understand, get to know yourself and understanding yourself and your wants. I think that will help build the core for finding someone who you will match with. Feel free to ask me more, or for clarification. I want to go on a large tangent but am trying to stay on topic. So in the end, life isn't too bad, just seems that way. And sometimes a little bustyourassadone helps.