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Sep 15, 23 at 7:59pm
I can honestly say it isn't hard to win an argument against them, since they approach it with the same level of logic as flat earthers. Best advice against a goose is the same as any large wild animal, make yourself look bigger and make lots of noise. They may still attack, but you'll go down swinging and thank your lucky stars it isn't a giant swan. XD
Sep 15, 23 at 12:19am
1. Prepare my arguments if I'm mentally prepared to even deal with them lol 2. Wonder what the heck is going on 3. I have no idea? Maybe pet it if it's nice 4. Scream, run and fight it off XD 5. Panic and faint lol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying XD I know it would be easy but I'd need to mentally prepare for their bull crap lol
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah. Especially if they bring certain subjects up, just so they can claim 'you're being too emotional'. Probably what the kendo is for. Just hand their ass to them as literally as possible. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying The too emotional argument is so stupid ngl xD. And I'll prepare all my notes for every argument they have XD, I'll be unstoppable
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah. They throw that out because they want to try to undermine your credibility. They're kinda like monkeys in that if you show emotions, they see it as a threat. lolololol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying They are so aggravating but it's also sad at the same time. I feel like it's one thing to genuinely think that way and ask question to know women's side betted, but they literally ask questions and don't let the women finish usually (cause she may say something he doesn't like lol)
yuuzora @yuuzora It's sad also because young men are desperate, convinced that they need romantic relations with women to feel whole. They get so desperate they forget that women are people. They turn to these toxic morons who don't even have loving, long term relationships giving "advice" for money. They only end up more frustrated and unable to understand why. There's a few people who break that mold, but their voices are often not heard by the ones who need it most. It's why I'm also thoroughly convinced YouTube is deeply misogynistic because it peddles the videos that dehumanize women and lift up those toxic as hell alpha males podcasts over the reasonable human beings who give genuine advice from a place of caring.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That is definitely true. My sisters and I often talk with each other about how people idolize marriage/romantic relationships, and we know and admit there IS a beauty to them, but people push the thought of "the only way you can be happy and truly complete in life is if you are marrying or have a romantic partner." Which...to me at least is just not wholly true. There are many relationships that aren't just romantic and you can feel just as happy not being with someone and just having friends. Of course it isn't wrong for people to have that desire of being in a romantic relationship, buy I feel at times it's dangerously pushed you can only feel content if you get a man or woman in your life
yuuzora @yuuzora Hnhn. It's supposed to be our nature as humans since the instinct is usually to procreate. But it's utter nonsense to being who are supposed to be civilized to give into such primitive urges. Especially when you look at other, valid relationship dynamics. Sibling bonds, for example.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I know right! That was one of my main points is even if there is a desire in some form to be married (even if it's to procreate) there are other relationships outside of marriage that can be just as important (especially for those who aren't married or anything), that the single people and those who also value platonic relationships just as much are valid too. Funny how you mention sibling bonds cause me and my sisters just finished talking about how familial bonds are a deep rooted desire in society in some way too
yuuzora @yuuzora They are. And in mammals who are social species. Lionesses, gorillas, binobos, elephants, etc. All have very close family bonds with their sisters. They help each other raise their kids, protect each other from predators/aggressive males/etc. So those bonds are written deeper into our dna than we realize.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Definitely agree
Sep 15, 23 at 7:57pm
XD They really do share one brain cell. It isn't hard to outsmart them because they lack a whole metric fuck ton of science literacy. It's always a good day to see a happy doggo who wants pets.
Sep 14, 23 at 9:35pm
1. I'll show up on the podcast and try to show them how wrong they are. It'll be hard cuz usually there are like 3 guys there sharing one brain cell. The main guy will say the absolute worst take on for example women and the other two will keep repeating FACTS DUDE FACTS. But I'll try my best 2. My first would be "how the fuck did I come across a liquor store in a Islamic country? Where am I?" Then I'll shrug it off and keep minding my business 3. I'll pet the dog. It'll probably follow me so I'll buy a chicken leg and give it to it 4. I'll shoo it off but it attacks then we'll I guess I'll have goose for dinner 5. Bee calm (hehe) cuz it'll sting if I show hostility. Find a place to park and let the bee out
Sep 15, 23 at 7:55pm
Pinot Noir is actually considered 'low brow'. It's like that box wine shit, though there can be fancy stuff. Good on you calling out a Karen, though. Can't stand the sorts yelling at customer service employees.
1. You've been invited onto an 'alpha male podcast', what do you? Laugh at them and hang up. 2. You're waiting in a line somewhere and hear some lady start screaming like someone is murdering her. As you listen, she's screaming at the cashier that she doesn't need to show her ID to buy a bottle of Pinot Noir. What do you do? Assume she's one of them Karen's you see in the city and call her scam since our local liquor store doesn't have that high society stuff. 3. You're walking down a street and a big floofy dog approaches you, tail wagging. What do you do? Kidnapp it, name it turtle, and raise it as my own. 4. You're trying to enter your house, but there's an angry goose standing guard, ready to attack! What do you do? I punt that fucker, wouldn't be the first time he and I clash. 5. A bee gets into your car as you're driving out of a busy parking lot. What do you do? Drive into on coming traffic. He is going down with me.
Criselington @criselington Well it's fancy enough not to be in our stores haha I'd hate to see whats considered high brow
yuuzora @yuuzora High Brow is like Blac Sauvignon since it's more resource intensive. But it also depends on brand.
Criselington @criselington Makes me realize how poor and low class I am that I've never even heard of that haha
yuuzora @yuuzora I was a bartender for a few years in my uni days. So I learned a few things. Personally, I don't get the hype around expensive wines. If I recommend anything, I much prefer something like umeshu(plum wine) or nigori(A kind of sake). They're much cheaper and taste great.
Sep 14, 23 at 9:08pm
I don't think I've ever seen a cat and a goose fight before.... so it's either worked so well or they ended up having such a bloody war that a peace treaty became necessary.
I'll do one of these why not. 1. You have received a letter that you're being drafted into some sort of military experimentation. What do you plan to do about this? Tell them I am their pawn no more then proceed to fall onto my knees and cry as rain magically appears over me. I'll then proceed to be knocked unconscious and dragged away as they already own my soul. 2. You've had a long day at work in some sort of office. What sort of work could you see yourself doing here? Demolition under the guise of renovations. 3. You're walking along in a crowded city intersection, some person with a clipboard approaches you and wants to ask you some questions, what do you do about this? Kick their shin push them to the ground and shout, I may be new to the city, but you're not robbing me, you mugger. 4. You see some small kids(4-7 year olds) riding scooters on your street. It doesn't look like anyone is watching them. What would you do? Send them into the woods so that they may disappear and please the forest spirits. 5. You find a kitten crying for its mother on a rainy day near a park, what would you do? Add it to the collection of strays people have abandoned so it may live as a rat catcher/goose chaser.
Criselington @criselington Never trust geese, they are the assholes of the bird. They poop everywhere and attack animals and all sorts of stuff. They deserve the war the cats bring them.
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh yes. I worked on farms most of my life. But I don't think I ever worked on one where the cats and geese really crossed paths. At least not that I know of. I'm adding that to my drawing list. A Kitty Crusade marching against the oppression of the Geese. XD
Sep 14, 23 at 9:07pm
Smacking it out of their hands would be satisfying. And yes, kids still ride scooters and touch grass. At least the kids on my street. They're very smol babus, just barely in school.
Arc @arc commented on 20 Questions
Sep 13, 23 at 7:04pm
1. You have received a letter that you're being drafted into some sort of military experimentation. What do you plan to do about this? Write them back explaining that my vigorous penis, while having the ability to be weaponized, is an anomaly that the military can't wield or truly understand. I've told them no before and I will tell them again! 2. You've had a long day at work in some sort of office. What sort of work could you see yourself doing here? If it were my dream job it would be making 6 figures working on an ai girlfriend for the masses that would end world blue ball syndrome. 3. You're walking along in a crowded city intersection, some person with a clipboard approaches you and wants to ask you some questions, what do you do about this? Knock the clipboard out of the person's hands and keep walking. 4. You see some small kids(4-7 year olds) riding scooters on your street. It doesn't look like anyone is watching them, what would you do? Think to myself. Wow, kids still ride scooters these days. 5. You find a kitten crying for its mother on a rainy day near a park, what would you do? Devote my life to the safety of the kitten.
Sep 13, 23 at 6:25pm
Why can't I become a secular canoness and live in an abby drawing, writing, and meditating without all that commitment to some god? ;o;
Sep 13, 23 at 6:21pm
Oh! I should mention, for #3, the best policy is to keep walking because most often these are scammers trying to guilt you into paying for their 'charity'. Yeet them into a bin. But in the major cities where I live, these bastards are actually quite the problem.
Sep 12, 23 at 11:37pm
1. Question them 2. I don't know? Bringing everyone donuts and coffee XD 3. Ask them why they want to ask me questions and what is it about 4. Keep an eye on them until I know their parents are around 5. Feel bad I'm sure. But there's not much I can do
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I was going to mentioned that since I know about those scammers. But maybe I can confuse the scammer while talking to them XD
yuuzora @yuuzora It would be fun to troll them. They deserve it since they're using charity to scam people. >0
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying We'll troll them together XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeyeyeye. Chaotic Good Mischief.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Wonder how we should start it off?
yuuzora @yuuzora Depends what they're pitching. Usually in my city they try to evoke some sort of religion, I just tell them I'm a satanist. That tends to work.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh! Sounds good and then we can make up a fake ancient language to chant as they run away
yuuzora @yuuzora I speak an ancient dialect of Irish called Ires Gales. It was used as far back as the time of the Druids who were powerful spiritual leaders in Ireland before the invasion of the Celts. It kinda sounds like elvish, so maybe that'll work. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying We'll have you use that for sure! I'll pretend to speak ancient Latin or Egyptian XD
yuuzora @yuuzora If you remembered the Mummy from the 90s, they actually used ancient Egyptian. Though everything else was dumb in those movies. They got one thing right. lol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I think I've heard of those XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah they were.... not good. Not bad, the acting was great. But they weren't good. lol
Sep 13, 23 at 6:12pm
I definitely won't mind working in your office building! XD
Sep 12, 23 at 11:37pm
1. Question them 2. I don't know? Bringing everyone donuts and coffee XD 3. Ask them why they want to ask me questions and what is it about 4. Keep an eye on them until I know their parents are around 5. Feel bad I'm sure. But there's not much I can do
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Make sure to tell me what donuts and coffee/drink you prefer! I want you to have at least one thing you like for breakfast and such XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeye. I like a smooth coffee from local shop with local beans and anything as long as it doesn't have walnuts or pecans in it. Otherwise I'll die. ;u;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of these days I will need to bring "breakfast bento" for it. There's nothing like seeing the despair and disgust on the faces of anyone who has never tried natto. But the tamago manju(A pancake bun with egg) with cheese and grits will make up for it. It's like if a McGriddle was actually tasty and good for you. :)
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'll get my notebook and right it down to remember everyone's favorites! XD And that sounds good! The tamago manju
Sep 13, 23 at 6:11pm
Not a bad strategy for 5, at least initially. Sometimes mama does come back. She can't carry more than one, afterall.
Sep 12, 23 at 10:13pm
Roleplay Edition 1. If I'm getting drafted, there's nothing I can do. I'll just have to do it. Besides who knows maybe I'll get some cool superpowers XD 2. I would be a financial analyst. I'm good with money 3. I'll keep walking like they don't exist 4. Go on with my day. They're their parents problem not mine. If anything happens to them, not my problem ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 5. I would put the kitten somewhere where it won't get wet but it would be near it's original spot cuz I want the mother to find the kitten
Sep 11, 23 at 6:23pm
Ahh! I always felt alone in this! I still remember accidentally killing a fox from far away because I thought it was a wolf in the darkness. ;o;
Sep 11, 23 at 4:57am
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