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35 year old Female
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Sep 10, 23 at 4:31pm
Often times, dreams where we are in a building we recognize or feels familiar it's a metaphor for our modes of thought er...(not sure if that's the right English) The deeper/lower you move into the building the deeper you move into your subconscious. If it's a particularly old building, it might be an old way you used to think. That's not the case for everyone, of course. But on average.
Sep 10, 23 at 4:28pm
I occasionally have dreams where I am back in high skool. Yet I am at the age I am now. I keep thinking I need to graduate but remember I graduated when I was seventeen. The dream last night had me lamenting how hard it was to make friends cause I was trying to hide my age and I was embarrassed. I don't want to go back to skool! https://media.tenor.com/sUr8IroSJeUAAAAC/chuunibyou-anime.gif
Ghost @kuharido I must break free of this subconscious manifestation of skool.
yuuzora @yuuzora It will depend what sort of mindset you tend to associate with this school you attended. How do you feel things have changed since then and what do you feel may be holding you back from letting those things go? Does the building tend to feel more ominous or embarrassing?
Sep 09, 23 at 8:10pm
That is true about certain groups. There are lots of toxic friend groups that bring the worst out in a person.
1. Hang around my family, take a nap, maybe cry depending on how stressed I am and then calm down lol 2. Both! If you want small talk I can handle that, but I am also used to deep discussions. Although, if you are gonna be rude while talking about something deep I won't enjoy it 3. Cry baby. I can be (in my own way) tough on people/myself depending on when...but I'm a professional cryer and am terrible at hiding my emotions lol 4. I can do both. But especially when dealing with people's issues or attitudes I carefully think how I'll approach them about it 5. IDK? I'm never alone 6. Help them. But I do know when to leave them be and let them work things out for themselves at times too, cause not everyone wants or needs my help-------------------------------------- 7. Idk? Maybe? I do and can get distracted easily----------------------- --------------8. Doesn't matter the number to me--------------------------------------9. I can do both. But I enjoy groups cause I do well bouncing ideas off others--------------------------------------10. Hugs, talking, simply just being a silent presence cause not everyone wants to talk--------------------------------------11. Yes--------------------------------------12.I find myself feeling embarrassed or nervous, but I also find people's attention endearing. Especially the way they do it--------------------------------------13. I do. I believe I've had this discussion irl before XD--------------------------------------14. Yes, too much time >:(--------------------------------------15. Yes. But I try my best to be self-aware about how I treat others :3-------------------------------------- 16. I don't know? I hardly speak up if I know or think I'll be wrong...so I either stay quiet if I'm not sure about my knowledge of the situation or I apologize when it has happened--------------------------------------17. Who am I to judge anyone? XD But, I think it's about using your own common sense...or intuition at times. Like, I do believe sometimes when people hang around a certain group (especially if it's a negative one) their behaviors can change and whatnot or that the people they choose to hang around can/could help you tell about their behaviors somewhat , but sometimes the individual is the issue and I know it's not always the group they surround themselves with...idk how to explain RN lol-------------------------------------- 18. As for myself I talk inwardly about it to myself and really do try not to be a hypocrite about the beliefs or views I have. I also am very harsh on myself inwardly and beat myself up lol-------------------------------------- 19.No--------------------------------------20. I don't even know anymore. I just let them be
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah. That's why the company you choose to keep is important :3
yuuzora @yuuzora Hmhmhm. It's why it's important to find people who bring out the best in us. Luckily genuine, positive people aren't in short supply.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, I'm glad there are still people who are good and genuinely try to be ^^. It's not that there's none you just might have to search a bit harder for it lol
Sep 09, 23 at 8:09pm
Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person's behavior and beliefs do not complement each other or when they hold two contradictory beliefs. It causes a feeling of discomfort that motivates people to try to feel better. People may do this via defense mechanisms, such as avoidance.
Sep 08, 23 at 10:01pm
Sep 09, 23 at 8:03pm
Interesting. Well thank you for taking the time and effort. And you can answer however you want. I keep the questions as vague as possible so there is room for interpretation.
Sep 09, 23 at 3:44am
Doing this in the same format as Daddy Ghost. It's actually smart coz 10 is about how much I can answer without the screen going all William Nilliam. 1. Favorite game? Terraria, with all positivity. Like truly. It's a masterpiece, no other game can ever bring out such strong emotion in me. Whether it be raging at even the slightest inconvenience, or simping madly for the Party Girl, and make me go whining to her after dying an ungodly amount of times to the fucking lunar pillars. Every playthrough is an emotional workout, and I love it. I've played it since I was a kid, and it's never once lost its charm. And this is just the vanilla game. Don't get me started on the mods, which the devs happily support and even released the modloader as a free DLC on Steam... https://media.tenor.com/SxZM_hg5iMQAAAAd/terraria-pvp.gif https://media.tenor.com/ZdZgD0Z97NAAAAAC/terraria-gameplay.gif This one deserved 2 gifs as opposed to the normal 1. 2. Baguette. No seriously. I've had arses call me that before. they'd go "Haw haw haw baguette!" Thing is, back then, I refused to fight. These days, I really could care less, say it around me and they'd be getting slugged good. Though maybe not by my hand. I'll consider anything unfortunate that happens to them my payback If I can't have my way with them first. Point is, these French stereotypes are seriously annoying, but I simply content myself with the fact that the nature of the world will dish out my desire for them to hurt and suffer eventually. Bless Mother Nature, by the way. https://media.tenor.com/MKf4BfAzYcwAAAAC/you-cant-stop-nature-you-cannot-stop-nature.gif 3. Do I like Pokemon? Look at my pfp and ask that again. LOL 4. Favorite Non-Legendary pokemon? Honestly, I've never quite been one for legendaries anyways. I don't know if you're counting Pseudo-Legendary or not, coz Hydreigon is one of my favorites. https://media.tenor.com/O_REtW0yPCoAAAAC/hydreigon-pokemon.gif If not, then lets say my all time favorite Toxicroak. https://media.tenor.com/dkMgTpUj48QAAAAC/toxicroak-frog.gif 5. Favorite legendary? like I said, not a legendary type of guy. However, if Pseudo legendary counts here, the throw Hydreigon over here. If not then.... hm.. Probably Virizion. Perfect example of how graceful the forces of nature can be. https://media.tenor.com/UlrmAWr3dr0AAAAC/virizion-legendary-pokemon.gif 6. Have I played DnD? I used to run a DnD club in school, fun fact. I've never been the dungeon master though. I've had too much fun stealing my friends stuff and getting abysmally bad rolls in dire situations. I would troll so hard. 7. Trolladin. Its not official. I'm a Paladin who trolls. There was this once I'd go into battle with a pasta noodle, in a group of randoms, the dungeon master wouldn't even make me roll for it, pasta noodle was an instant kill on the slightest contact, while the other guys were busy juggling dice around while equipped with actual good gear.... LOL Good times. 8. I don't actively go to cons, but I do cosplay. I know outside of a con, it won't be as accepted/appreciated, but at least I'm standing out. that's what I'm meant to do at any given time while I'm outside. Maybe not a cosplay, but you get the idea, Dum-Shark. (Almost forgot about that) 9. I am getting ready for a Doppio cosplay, actually, you'll see it, coz I'll definitely post some pics of it. https://media.tenor.com/kJIKkCP_rMEAAAAd/doppio-vento-aureo.gif 10. I do not appreciate, nor envy conventions, and those who attend. Why go when what should be making you stand out makes you normal and bland instead? . Edit: You see my effort slowly waning throughout? That's why I don't do these. I feel the need to answer in full detail, even if they aren't truthful. Yet, this site is a horrible place to try and be thorough. These take whole hours out of my day so I start to eventually rush it.
Sep 09, 23 at 7:54pm
Meh, do what you want. I just post questions when I feel like it.
Sep 08, 23 at 8:10pm
Should I try answering these again? I felt as if it'd gone stale, but maybe
Sep 07, 23 at 6:35pm
Randomly saw this in the feed, but I understand how you feel. I get that sort of grief every time for sounding like a child. I literally cannot help how I sound very much. People just love to project their insecurities.
Sep 07, 23 at 4:25pm
I confess that I apparently pissed off two grown ass adults today on Discord because they thought I was forcing my voice to be deep, no I was not, I was relaxing my vocal cords which makes my voice deeper but the fact that it pissed them off and that they wouldn't believe I wasn't trying to be like "90% of the guys on tiktok doing how to have deep voice videos" just made me laugh my ass off. Believe what you want and it's not that serious to get pissed off about.
Sep 05, 23 at 10:32pm
Hm. I hope you will get to a place in life where you can be happier. Do you have an universities you really want to get into? Do you need help studying for it?
Sep 05, 23 at 3:00am
1. How are you feeling today? I'm feeling alright. I'm hungry 2. Do you have any chores today? I have chores to do every day. Gotta take care of the dogs, take care of my lil bro, keep the apartment clean, clean the dishes 3. What hobby brings you joy lately? I don't really have a hobby that brings me joy. Watching anime is close 4. Do you daydream a lot? An unhealthy amount 5. What do you tend to daydream about/ if you do? My life if past events had gone better, my life if I get a perfect future, fantasies, etc 6. Do you pay attention to celebrity news? Not really. I don't really care about that stuff 7. What goal are you working towards lately? Getting into Law university 8. Is there anything you're looking forward to currently? going home and eating food XD 9. Do you remember your dreams? Nope they go poof when I wake up. I get left with the feeling that I just had a very good dream but what was it about? 10. Are you a lucid dreamer/someone who is aware they are dreaming within their dreams? No I am not
Amir @amir_bahram I have given my Law Admission Test and I did good. Universities haven't opened up yet. There isn't a specific university I want to study in. Just any that teaches law. I did good on my test but there are other who also did good and also better. Competition is high so I can hope a university will take me XD
yuuzora @yuuzora I see. I hope they will see your amazing potential! I believe you'll do well wherever you go.
Amir @amir_bahram Aw thank you
yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Using all your tutoring resources to their full potential, and even if you just need someone to hold flashcards, I can help there. Though I'm useless with laws other than personal rights. :')
Sep 05, 23 at 10:30pm
No shame about only liking anime. My oldest sister is definitely more into anime, despite our cultural heritage.
Sep 05, 23 at 2:52am
1. What is your most toxic trait? I procrastinate a lot. like A LOT. 2. Do you like Japanese culture or just Anime? Nah just anime. I don't care much for Japanese culture. 3. Do you make your bed every morning? Nope cuz I don't have to. I tuck my bed sheet into my bed so it doesn't move. 4. What is your favorite kind of soap? The type that cleans XD 5. What do you like to do for 'self-care'? Shave my face, apply face wash to make my skin fairer, smell good 6. Do you prefer roaming around crowded places like malls and markets or secluded places like forests? Secluded places for sure 7. If you saw a kid stealing a loaf of bread, what would you do? I wouldn't care 8. If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? RACOON COME ON 9. Do you have a talent you're particularly proud of? Not really 10. How do you pass the time in a place like a waiting room of a hospital? play solitaire on my phone
Sep 05, 23 at 10:28pm
As for the child stealing, some kids live in situation where their parents are better off never coming back. At least in America, CPS and the foster system is a shit show just as likely as to get a kid abused. So some kids choose to just take care of themselves and endure the abuse until they're old enough to escape. Usually siblings are involved. So I would like to say it was so easy as talking to parents, but usually the parents are the problem. Aw, what do you have planned for your birthday?
Sep 05, 23 at 2:44am
part 2 apartment in a busy part of a major city https://media.tenor.com/1RLeQDj6tEMAAAAC/riding-bean-anime.gif 1. What is your most toxic trait? My ambition was crushed and I want to see everything else get crushed around me. https://media.tenor.com/FA86QTtgBnMAAAAC/chocola-fire.gif 2. Do you like Japanese culture or just Anime? Both, I very much like both the classical and modern culture of Japan. One of my favorite movies is "The Emperor's naked Army marches on" It's about a WWII veteran who tries to find out what happened to two soldiers who were executed after Japan surrendered. https://media.tenor.com/7J5iQxAR5BsAAAAC/anime-metro.gif https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXn7aFPedKc 3. Do you make your bed every morning? oh, heck no. It's not gonna get messed up at night :P https://media.tenor.com/1Imibvq01BEAAAAC/anime-trip.gif 4. What is your favorite kind of soap? lavender or lemon. I usually like soaps without sulfates. https://media.tenor.com/4n7dDOrugSkAAAAC/anime-mikan.gif 5. What do you like to do for 'self-care'? This was asked before XD. Please refer to my other answer. The exercise I like is yoga, tai chi, and walking. https://media.tenor.com/f7Td7sziO8UAAAAC/toki-hokuto-no-ken.gif 6. Do you prefer roaming around crowded places like malls and markets or secluded places like forests? I enjoy both very much. https://media.tenor.com/UyC9TSivCNYAAAAC/ai-ohto-wonder-egg-priority.gif 7. If you saw a kid stealing a loaf of bread, what would you do? Tell his dumbass to get his dumbass parents to apply for food assitance. No one should be going hungry in a developed nation. The only reason they do is cause we are brainwashed to think living has to be earned and is not a right. https://media.tenor.com/VCLfSZRl4yMAAAAC/anime-miyano.gif 8. If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? lazy cat https://media.tenor.com/rNNnLEwaWpUAAAAC/cat-lazy.gif 9. Do you have a talent you're particularly proud of? Eh, I really should answer this but I just want to say no. I don't feel I have any particular special talent. https://media.tenor.com/WqdUzHZ4CfAAAAAC/anime-nichijou.gif 10. How do you pass the time in a place like a waiting room of a hospital? Cell phone, fuck everyone who thinks they are bad. Just look at people in the past. We all had our noses buried in newspapers, magazines, etc. It's the same shit just more streamlined. https://media.tenor.com/QTtX8fpH_DEAAAAC/akane-shinjo-anime.gif 1. How are you feeling today?-------------------------------------------------- Pretty good, muscles feel agile. Mind is calm. Had some fun. So good. https://media.tenor.com/kizmJ1TsKIUAAAAC/sailor-moon-anime.gif 2. Do you have any chores today?------------------------------------------ just laudry. https://media.tenor.com/WvThdsMG0rAAAAAC/washing-pants.gif 3. What hobby brings you joy lately?------------------------------------------ same as always, anime, games, movies, music, walks, tai chi, yoga, reading. https://media.tenor.com/Z7YjCj-PFWwAAAAC/anime-girl.gif 4. Do you daydream a lot?------------------------------------------ Very much so, I day dream and live in the world at the same time my mind is in all places. Just waiting for me to realize it so I can escape Samsara https://media.tenor.com/9mHp7S9tqR0AAAAC/saiyuki-gun.gif 5. What do you tend to daydream about/ if you do?------------------------------------------ dreams, fantasies, worlds I visit, scenarios, fear, making sense of things. https://media.tenor.com/TQRFMwRqtGAAAAAC/gensomaden-saiyuki-sanzo.gif 6. Do you pay attention to celebrity news?------------------------------------------ I do, I like gossip. I like finding out how many celebrities are frauds. https://media.tenor.com/4lTHjEnWHeYAAAAC/tokimeki-memorial-dating-sim.gif 7. What goal are you working towards lately?------------------------------------------ Going slower with my tai chi exercises. https://media.tenor.com/LyJNgXbEqFEAAAAC/crash-boxes.gif 8. Is there anything you're looking forward to currently?------------------------------------------ my birthday party that I'm planning. https://media.tenor.com/WLGGkDgMjekAAAAC/anime-yuru.gif 9. Do you remember your dreams?------------------------------------------ So many, my dreams make up part of my overall memory. They are important messages. 10. Are you a lucid dreamer/someone who is aware they are dreaming within their dreams?------------------------------------------ No, and I prefer not to mess around with my dreams. Atleast at my current place in life I want them to be as they are meant to be. In the future I maybe be more interested in lucid dreaming. https://media.tenor.com/2HyNxpWoG1MAAAAC/sailor-moon-usagi.gif
Ghost @kuharido Just taking some friends to a restaurant than going bowling after. It's chill
yuuzora @yuuzora Aw, that sounds wonderful. I hope you'll have a great time. Is bowling something you get to do often?
Ghost @kuharido thanks, I hope it goes well. No, I haven't bowled in ages but a Japanese company opened an arcade here that has a bowling alley so I wanted to go there.
yuuzora @yuuzora Ooo it sounds like a lot of fun. How soon will that be happening?
Sep 05, 23 at 10:23pm
I'm genuinely sorry you've had to deal with a 'nice girl'. It really is dehumanizing and no one should have to endure that. I'm sure you know your worthy of someone who will genuinely care about you and see you as a complete human being flaws and all. It is good to be aware that every fandom has toxic parts and wholesome parts. Yay for gardening. I wouldn't mind reliving the carboniferous period, though I don't know if I could stand being hunted by Meganura(the giant dragonfly, because dragonflies are incredible predators) lololol
Sep 05, 23 at 2:43am
part 1 1. What is your favorite video game? Metal Gear Solid. Was a great mix of history and potential future events. https://media.tenor.com/fHABQLopDlQAAAAC/metal-gear-solid-mgs.gif 2. What was/is your high school stereotype? Geeky guy into anime I assume https://media.tenor.com/9ES1iHLj2fAAAAAC/weeb-touching.gif 3. Do you like Pokémon? Yes, Pokemon is fantastic. I've seen the whole anime and played a good chunk of the games. Eevee followed by Mew are my favorite Pokemon. https://media.tenor.com/2_6vt6O8gd8AAAAC/eevee-eevee-happy.gif 4. What is your favorite non-legendary Pokémon? Eevee https://media.tenor.com/Mp6c9fx705gAAAAC/cute-eevee.gif 5. What is your favorite legendary Pokémon? Mew https://media.tenor.com/6daT_oSOXw0AAAAC/wavy-pokemon.gif 6. Have you ever played DnD(Dungeons and Dragons)? No but I respect the lore https://media.tenor.com/WFmGnSRc2E0AAAAC/swire-arknights.gif 7. What class do you usually like to play? Warrior https://media.tenor.com/EAZYHm31MVcAAAAC/anime-samurai.gif 8. Do you cosplay? Not really no, it's cool though. https://media.tenor.com/D5O5mVCPzMgAAAAC/cat-funny.gif 9. What would you like to cosplay if you'd like to cosplay? M. Bison https://media.tenor.com/bjgQQRd9SesAAAAC/street-fighter-ryu.gif 10. Do you have a favorite aspect of anime conventions/con culture? I just like the atomsphere. Lots of weebs and fellow enthuaists of stuff I enjoy. https://media.tenor.com/IlWS_OlXjAsAAAAC/suisei-hoshimachi-suisei.gif 1. Is there an aspect of con culture you don't like? There is occasionally people who are there who are not really into the anime/gamer culture. Getting drunk and just causing problems. That's fairly rare though https://media.tenor.com/ZHysRx1KvpoAAAAC/obnoxious-and-drunk-drunk.gif 2. Is there a fandom that scares you? No, I don't fandom shame https://media.tenor.com/uvlZONAU9DUAAAAC/my-little-pony-pony-life-my-little-pony.gif 3. How do you practice self-care? Hygiene, exercise, getting fiber, sun and air baths, feeding birds, walks. https://media.tenor.com/PgAG0bX8a10AAAAC/pigeon-flying.gif 4. Did you have toys as a child? Yes, I loved toys. Action figures and play weapons too. I also just loved a good stick. It's a classic toy. https://media.tenor.com/rw4hnyKNq7EAAAAC/samurai-katana.gif https://media.tenor.com/xe7J8eUrGWUAAAAC/doge-dogecoin.gif 5. Digimon or Pokémon? I watched both. https://media.tenor.com/0e4LvPDXXa8AAAAC/digimon.gif 6. Have you ever been a 'nice guy/nice girl'? Yeah, I had a girl match with me on a Reddit dating ad. I talked about some insecurities and she seemed to share them. Thing was she was fairly pretty and 'normal' I was surprised she had dating troubles. Anyway before she sent a pic she wanted to meet up. Which was way too fast for me. i asked for a video chat and she wore something revealing. She didn't care about learning my name or my intersts she just wanted to meet right away. I think she just wanted me for sex. I asked for a little more time to get to know each other then she went on a tirade about my weight and living situation. I made the right call there XD I'm not a person who can go straight to sex. I need some connection. https://media.tenor.com/DjoAsf-PM2cAAAAC/spy-family.gif 7. Are you able to handle a person who is under mental distress? (meaning, if a friend called you in the middle of the night under mental distress, could you handle that?) Yeah, I have done it quite a few times. https://media.tenor.com/AIIcgGsTjDoAAAAC/hanamichi-ran-nagomi-yui.gif 8. Do you have first aid experience? nah, I failed my CPR exam. XD I should really take a class. I mean I can treat a cut, bruise, etc. but I should really learn more. https://media.tenor.com/LoMues1bF8sAAAAC/hot-kiss.gif 9. Are you... eh... kishimu? (I don't know the English word. When the sight of blood makes you feel sick) No, blood has always excited me. I don't mean to sound edgy it's just cool to me. https://media.tenor.com/KdyQXw5fo90AAAAC/anime-vampire.gif 10. Can you stand people who can't clean up after themselves? I do think it would ware me down. Although I do clutter but I stay fairly clean. https://media.tenor.com/MaPgAzNqWUcAAAAC/sailor-moon.gif 1. Are you easy to anger? Nupe, I try very hard to keep things civil. I do terrible things if I lose my temper https://media.tenor.com/sJQ885Lw2MsAAAAC/miku-angry.gif 2. Are you easily stressed? I am a sensitive person so I do need to take steps to relax. https://media.tenor.com/Rk84s7VGLsAAAAAC/spill-tea.gif 3. Have you ever run into a Karen? Yeah, I just walk away. Just walk away. https://media.tenor.com/VtvczVzBgzEAAAAC/hug-anime.gif 4. What do you call the male equivalent of Karen? A dingus XD https://media.tenor.com/j3jR2_KFYogAAAAC/anime-diamond-is-unbreakable.gif 5. Are you a spam texter or long texter? I try to keep it reasonable but I do love sending and receiving messages. https://media.tenor.com/ac_7d-nnwfgAAAAC/smile-anime.gif 6. How do you get your news these days? tv and online mostly https://media.tenor.com/mFL-I6ZM4Z8AAAAC/medabots-dad.gif 7. Have you ever been to a museum? Many museums, many more to go. https://media.tenor.com/zY3-Qc7WmEMAAAAC/kikis-delivery-service-anime.gif 8. Do you have a favorite word?(any language) Oh so many words, it's so hard to pick one. I mean words are such powerful things, it's like choosing one tool. I can't think of any now TwT https://media.tenor.com/tQMn18NUCskAAAAC/garden-of-words-makoto-shinkai.gif 9. Do you like gardening? yeah, it's nice to grow plants https://media.tenor.com/DvSFdqSO_Q8AAAAC/yu-yu-hakusho-kurama.gif 10. If you could live in any kind of house, what would it be?
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