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35 year old Female
Last online 約22時間 ago
Jun 28, 23 at 9:50pm
Si si, io un po parlare l'Italino. Attualmente tu preferita anime c'è? Da dove viene la tua famiglia? Sorry for some grammar mistakes.
English is my only fluent language. But I have been trying to learn Italian since I have ancestry there. :3
Jun 27, 23 at 10:25pm
Right. English is easy enough, since I started learning that when I was 9 through pure immersion, but I only ever spoke Japanese to my nan and the exchange student I tutored in my school days. Other than that, my Japanese isn't great and I lack a lot of nuances I should have. I can write formal speech, children speaking, but others... not so much. Especially so that really 'manly' Oosaka-ben Yakuza-type speak. I even still need subtitles because it's so out there. So basically just need help making sure things sound right from time to time. What JPLT level do you have? Mine is only at 3, but 4 if factoring speech... because I never study..........
I mean, if I'm getting this right, you mean, to better convey their character/personality through their speech? Only kind of characters I can efficiently do are evil bastards who like to give speeches, and those witty ones that we all love. I'm kinda at a loss, and I feel like I should have just kept my mouth shut since I most likely won't be of any help... But I feel like I should support you somehow, now that I've gone and involved my nosy self. You have a Patreon?
Jun 27, 23 at 10:21pm
I'm not a vengeful spirit. Too little energy to waste on such things. The only thing you can do is to either get stronger or lay down and die. I've got too much work to do to die. Lol. Jojo memes are always a good bit.
@yuuzora I will take time to appreciate the effort you put into letting the people around you know how you feel. Life is like jojo. It's pretty damn bizarre. Joking aside... Every moment you're alive, you are as strong as you can get in that moment. The fact that you can't just up and change fate, means that we are always at our best, sometimes we just can't see it. My point here is that, you've come a long way. Nothing can stop you now. You are always strong. And I believe that you will in time, heal those wounds. They have to close at some point. Just don't be like me and decide to salt the wounds.
Jun 27, 23 at 12:32am
It happens. I'm not over the events, but I did become a braver stronger person. So it wasn't a total loss. Also, you sent a friend request, but I noticed you said in your about you don't want to interact with anyone over 33. I'm 35 right now? I don't really keep track anymore. Either way, I don't want to disrespect your boundaries.
Just saw your post about the things you went through. Terribly sorry you have gone through all that hardship. There are sadly too many people the world that won’t give you the respect you deserve. But you are among friends here.
Jun 26, 23 at 10:05pm
Sorry you went through that. I hope you're able to heal from it.
Sep 18, 20 at 8:44am
because my ex of 8 years became an alcoholic and started beating the shit out of me everyday and went to jail.
Jun 25, 23 at 11:00pm
Iyaiya, ranting is fine. It's better to have a complete thought than the spammers that send more than one at a time. My siblings are like that. x.x I have liked the recent kaiju movies but my all time favorite was Rebirth of Mothra, even though rewatching it it's like those cheesy 'kid power' 90s movies. But it was the first one I ever saw. My nan played it for me in Japanese, though I didn't even know English at the time either. So it's pure nostalgia but from then on I watched all of them except I haven't seen Pacific Rim, the newer Kong movies, or the Space Gojira anime that was out recently.
Jun 22, 23 at 6:30pm
Kaiju decks in Yu-Gi-Oh are viable. I play then occasionally. https://youtu.be/iLqA9n3bnE0
Jun 23, 23 at 12:54am
There are ones in MTG also, but I haven't played Magic since I was in high school. I didn't know Yu-Gi-Oh was still going, I think I remember someone saying they changed a lot of rules because it was too easy to be overpowered.
Jun 22, 23 at 6:30pm
Kaiju decks in Yu-Gi-Oh are viable. I play then occasionally. https://youtu.be/iLqA9n3bnE0
Gabriel @gabriel_true Haha! Yu-Gi-Oh has changed several formats, but not for the better. Each iteration is more exploitable than the last. Currently it's possible to lock every space to place a card on turn 1 so the player going second auto forfeits. I only play non meta decks to circumvent the utter nonsense professional tournament players try to defend as 100% fair. But that's enough of my ranting, heh.
Jun 19, 23 at 9:50pm
Last one I saw was Gojira v. Kong. I was hoping for a Mothra movie, but at the same time I know they would just fuck it up. :<
Haven't seen one in years but if I looked like one I guess I'd go for a King Kong kind of thing.
Criselington @criselington I think the late 90s or early 2000s one is the last one I saw other than later it was only super old one like 50s or 60s one so I don't have much know how in the ways of godzilla or the kaiju.
Jun 18, 23 at 3:21am
Aw, death by robots? I guess it's better than nuclear death. Though I do really want to pet a Death Claw.
Jun 07, 23 at 11:14pm
Confuse the AI!
Gabriel @gabriel_true Beep boop beep! I am Hal 9000. Must eliminate all human life by frying their brains with random and confusing comments.
Curlymity @forgetmenot Beep Boppity boop beep, I am Hal 9000, but with STYLE! BOOM! Hah! No, I'd... Just be like a JoJo bot or something I dunno or laptop, I'm not sure yet.
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