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35 year old Female
Last online 1日 ago
Jun 18, 23 at 3:19am
Not at all, she's an abusive cuntisaurus who makes Heinrich Himmler look like Ghandi. If you've ever seen those self-righteous evangelical white trash smooth brained polups, she's one of those. Complete lack of self-awareness or emotional regulation. As for her weight, she's as heavy as a baby elephant but no where near as nice. I can keep going.
Do what now? Tell you I'm Italian without telling you I'm Italian? Done. Hah! Easy when you're not actually Italian, but a Frenchman! Anyways... Sounds like quite the Horker. Sometimes I actually wonder what it's like to be one of those... Ahem. Goliaths. Proceed to content myself with the fact that I like walking. Damn I really laid that out didn't I?
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Jun 07, 23 at 11:14pm
Confuse the AI!
tgfdxfyuhges gbhur wsd dew
Gabriel @gabriel_true Beep boop beep! I am Hal 9000. Must eliminate all human life by frying their brains with random and confusing comments.
Curlymity @forgetmenot Beep Boppity boop beep, I am Hal 9000, but with STYLE! BOOM! Hah! No, I'd... Just be like a JoJo bot or something I dunno or laptop, I'm not sure yet.
Jun 07, 23 at 11:14pm
Tell me you're Italian without telling me you're Italian. XD My mam is 'Christian' so we should all be grateful we're going to Hell to be away from her fat ass.
Jun 07, 23 at 10:16pm
Yo mama's so Christian, that when Caesar Zeppeli got mashed by a cross shaped rock, she said "amen"
Jun 06, 23 at 9:41pm
Yeah. I've never been good at selling anything. I can build shit, write shit, draw shit, and fix shit. But I can't sell shit. I've cut out most of the subcontractions. Doing even the translation from Japanese, Irish, and English myself. But how to get a foothold... some sort of base... that's hard to do. I'm not particularly social either, so while I have social accounts, I use them for art and communication with abroad friends. I had run my own website before, but it didn't go well. I did at least learn some of what not to do. Maybe the market is too oversaturated? Dunno, at this point I'm thinking outloud. Sorry.
I never planned it. Honestly I just cower behind the strong/experienced people until by some miracle I can scrape by. Anddd I'm still in the cowering phase. I have like two whole god damn pieces, revised, edited, I think they're alright at the least, but never could I find the strength to do it myself.
Oct 08, 21 at 10:23pm
Hello YUUUZOra
Sep 29, 21 at 11:05am
Hnhn. It's lovely you want to achieve your inner Saiyan and I'm happy to be supportive of your goal. Just let me know how I can help.
Sep 29, 21 at 10:04am
Haikyuu OST at the gym means everything.
Sep 28, 21 at 11:05pm
いくつ年回日本語を勉強しましたか? フレンドのリクエストはお願いしませんか?
Sep 25, 21 at 10:13pm
Rei @reisenpai66 うん。日本語は上手じゃないかも。。でも、私と一緒に勉強いいよ。
slang0724 @slang0724 left a comment for yuuzora
Sep 26, 21 at 7:14pm
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Sep 25, 21 at 10:13pm
@yuuzora >"I work too much, I am stuck in my thoughts, Imposter Syndrome cripples me sometimes... I can be toxic in that I have high standards and if you're not trying to grow as a person I think you are trash. " Hello, me
Rei @reisenpai66 うん。日本語は上手じゃないかも。。でも、私と一緒に勉強いいよ。
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