Veru @verucassault
Veru @verucassault

Eh? Eh? *nudge nudge*

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 Good character development

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711

Veru @verucassault Lol we saw that one recently. That guy is popping up on arc's feed now too lol

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Lol you made him a daily part of our lives, thank you

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying

Veru @verucassault I love this channel. It's so relaxing.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Glad you like it

Arc @arc
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Arc @arc

Did you know

Veru @verucassault I mean he does seem like a creeper so no surprise

Arc @arc If you think about it Yuga has the most powerful quirk of all; the power to break the 4th wall

Veru @verucassault Maybe he has 2 quirks then

Arc @arc If they make a new season and reveal that it would blow my mind

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711

Veru @verucassault Lol I can go without spicy mayo on my sushi because I love Wasabi but Mexican food without cheese? JUST STAB A KNIFE IN MY CHEST

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Lol Ive never had sushi but im not a seafood fan. Also not a huge cheese fan semi lactose and too much makes me gag

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711
I found 2 funny youtubers
Ones a food reviewer in his car
The other is a sassy grandma lol

Veru @verucassault Lol grandma sounds like a Jewish New Yorker with lots of attitude

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Yeah shes great lol

Veru @verucassault The bagel sammiches looked great 8[ I want

Arc @arc
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Arc @arc

Veru @verucassault I see nothing now? Weird

Veru @verucassault Now it's back wtf lol

Veru @verucassault
Veru @verucassault
No joke I just trapped myself in my closet this morning because it doesn't have handles on the inside, only the outside. Not only that but it also has a spring trigger that turns the light on when you open the door, but if it's closed, the light is off. I shut myself in so I could change since we had a guest stay over last night. I really didn't think it would be hard to open the door from the inside but I had to MacGuyver a hanger through the crack in the doors lol.
Didnt see that coming...

Rain @rainx
commented on
Didnt see that coming...
Rain @rainx

Arc @arc wow, such a failure

Veru @verucassault
Veru @verucassault
Oh shizz. I didn't see this even though you tagged me. No, >>i<< like to wear ties & suspenders, I doubt arc does. In fact shopping with him or for him in the past has always been a pain. He has a very slender frame. TBH, he's built like he's from Korea or Japan. We are going to try to go to Japan this year so he's planning on buying a lot of clothes when we go. If I get things my way, he will leave with a suit with suspenders. But, we'll see.
IRL pictures

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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IRL pictures
Gabriel @gabriel_true
@verucassault Larry King would love you. So can I assume your husband received a pair for Christmas?

Veru @verucassault @gabriel_true and then I forgot to tag you. Noob move.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Another one <3 @Ruca-Senpai and @amarantha https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Of4QJTM3fqw

lei_maiotaku @amarantha Eniddddd ❤️

Veru @verucassault Cute