Anti-spyware @joemama711
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Anti-spyware @joemama711
Btw this
Anti-spyware @joemama711
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Anti-spyware @joemama711
I have a question since i remember you owning cats and also being in GA. Have you ever dealt with a kitten having excessice bad gas and if so is there a brand of food you would suggest? Theres tons online and currently they eat dry food but only one has really bad constant gas.
Veru @verucassault The only thing I can think to try is maybe give that cat sensitive/gentle stomach cat food mix. I haven't tried any particular brand. For our cats, we try tonfocus on grain free & high protein foods. But I'll post some brands that have that kind of diet food. Unfortunately with cats, it's trial and error. We have 2 that are kinda picky Eaters and we tend to shuffle through food often. Wren, my siamese, loses a lot of weight if he hates the cat food we have or if it's upsetting his stomach.
Veru @verucassault Posting to your wall... there's at least 1 repeat but should be enough info for you to explore options.
Anti-spyware @joemama711 Thank you btw, we got some sensetiv3 food for them. Now just have to see if that helps, i know my mom also gives them full fat cow milk which is terrible for anyone honestly. We will see though
Veru @verucassault Yeah cats shouldn't have milk so that honestly could be causing the gas. You think they would be OK with it because they are so attracted to the smell of lactids but, yeah it's worse for cats than it is for hoomans.
Anti-spyware @joemama711 They get the rhrea too apparently and ill tell them to stop giving em milk. The big one is fine though
Veru @verucassault
Veru @verucassault
I love Count Dankula, lol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I know I’m late with the trick or treat, but I hope you’ll still give me the good stuff? XD
Veru @verucassault I have an entire bucket for you lol. We had no one come by our house 8[
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Thank you for being so kind. I’m sorry no kids came by, no one trick or treated where I live either. But, no one ever did before either XD
Arc @arc
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Arc @arc
Arc @arc Once you see it...
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
Have you ran out of Pokemon cards to hand out? Are the children rebelling against your husband and demanding blood as repayment because the pack didn't contain a mythic shiny rare or whatever it is Pokemon players want?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I’m coming back to trick or treat XD. You better have the good candy when I do, please.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying