Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Random thoughts...

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
Random thoughts...
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
I wonder what's gonna happen thats bad this year for my birthday. Every year for awhile now it seems to go down hill.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 I'm gonna cry now

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I'm happy for Mike that he's been able to keep the band going and more specifically that he appears to have found a healthy way to deal with the pain of losing a friend in the worse way possible.
I know his solo album after Chester's death hit deep not because I was a fan, but because I could imagine the suffering he was going through having lost family in a similar manner.
God bless the man for finding enough light in his own life and his other friends to keep pursuing the passion of creativity and music. To see value in the life that keeps on going even when some people we love aren't with us anymore.
It takes true courage and a mighty spirit to not surrender to despair! Pray he continues finding positive reinforcement and love.
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

RT @rtae86
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What Are You Listening To Right Now?
RT @rtae86

RT @rtae86 Wise words!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Christ be with each and every one of us! May He help us to strive for a better self. Jesus shows how love is supposed to be put into practice. That worldly love through vanity (anything that supports temporary or twisted truths) is a poison to our immortal souls.
There are correct ways to handle our complicated emotions or frustrations. The fruit of God's Will is that there is life beyond our current state as a human race.
We should always reflect each day what we're supposed to be doing and have mercy for those that lack the wisdom of God to know that path to ruin that they are on. Standing as signposts to righteousness as opposed to maintaining the status quo of Earthly living and finding validation through temporary life we have while on this current world.
Glory be to the true Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
commented on
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
This helped me as a narc

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
...who told you Sephiroth was paying me under the table to...
Nevermind. Forget what I just said!
Hello! New here. Is this a dead site?

RT @rtae86
commented on
Hello! New here. Is this a dead site?
RT @rtae86
There are only 5 real people here, everyone else is either a clone or a paid actor

RT @rtae86 You get paid? Lucky!

Gabriel @gabriel_true Gotta hustle somehow, heh!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Idk if you're a sonic or racing fan but this looks fun!

Gabriel @gabriel_true I used to play Crash Team Racing. It looks similar to that, but with Sonic characters.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Yeah it looks pretty fun honestly and it's a free PC game too

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I would rather be in SAW. Preferably as Jigsaw hosting the death game between P and R.
How would you react if you woke up naked to the person above?

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
commented on
How would you react if you woke up naked to the person above?
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
What's worse, being stuck in Saw, R Kelly Sex camps or Diddies parties?

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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Oyabun @senpaisamasan
To blow up the arasaka building shitbucket

Gabriel @gabriel_true That's what you've spent all our slush funds on?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Sorry for the confusion. I speak the language of fatigue. One could say it's a native tongue of mine! English is simply my second, hmhm!
Random thoughts...

juwu @jijuwu
commented on
Random thoughts...
juwu @jijuwu
Hello. I do not understand that second line of gobbledygook. Please elaborate!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Saw through my facade have you? Seems a reputation proceeded our meeting, yet rest assured I enjoy learning new things about strangers all the while. Even if I am indeed guilty of indulging others with a lengthy monologue! Whether it's for personal gain or otherwise will ultimately fall to your own judgement, hehe...
Is the user before you your anime hero, villain, or eternal rival?

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
commented on
Is the user before you your anime hero, villain, or eternal rival?
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
Lets get this party started.... Rival turned villain.
Why you ask? Because he dares question my choice and then wants me to come up with a detailed response as to why I feel that way. Only a rival would do that. And a villain for wanting us to mono-log about ourselves. I see a very devious plan at work there.
Now on to my mono-logging.... My life goal is to live long enough to take a shuttle off this rock. My accomplishments are surviving life this long with all my limbs intact. I travel frequently... to the fridge and back again. And I find it's hard to challenge society's values when your society doesn't seem to have any. I only give willingly to friends in need. I value friends more than myself. Others not so much, because other are far too often idiots. Scarily so, if my work place is any measure of the world's smart person to idiot ratio. Also I'm very logic based, until she gets emotional, then I'm just an a-hole.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Kroger cut my hours, went from 22 to 15. I like the days off though.
#fuck Kroger.
Got my test Dec 5th.

Gabriel @gabriel_true Kroger is a rough place to work. I mean if you're willing to work 3 departments in the same shift they'll give you close to full time. Back when I was 19 years old I worked roughly 37 hours a week (37 hours was the cut off for part-time. Anymore and they would have had to give me full time status.) I managed that consistently because I agreed to work Produce, Front End, and Dairy. I was expected to balance cashiering with stocking shelves and unloading pallets. It was a royal pain in the butt. I got paid $8 an hour to do all of that too! Thanks Union! You really fight for the average joe, hoho!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 They expect me to remember how to do Bakery thaw and serve when I do it once a week and the other times just deli which is fine honestly but we got a new manager so it's all a process now. They said they were gonna try n teach me cooking the on the deli side but I'm considering saying no. The schedule change happened after it was posted and I'm only working 2 days upcoming week.

Gabriel @gabriel_true I know my mother used to work for Martin's back in the day for Deli and she complained for years how they wanted her to run cash register as well as the bakery. Companies are notorious for making you sweat a lot for little while expecting flawless results.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I'll never bust my ass for companies like that ever again lol. I'm considering construction but we'll see how next next week's schedule is.

Gabriel @gabriel_true Construction pays well I hear, but you're outdoors in every kind of weather for 10+ hours!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Honestly sounds fun

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 The real downer is the portapotties, lunchs there and depends how you get along with boss n everyone else

Gabriel @gabriel_true Good ol' porta-johns!