Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Hope your family is okay. Restraining order in place?
Gabriel @gabriel_true My sister has been battling my nephew's dad for years. He already has lost rights to his other children by other women. He wasn't supposed to know where my sister and nephew were, but the understanding is he used social media to locate my nephew's school when he posted a picture of his football uniform.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
McRobbery? Did it happen at the McDonald's and did the burglar look anything like this?
Random thoughts...
Arc @arc
commented on
Random thoughts...
Arc @arc
So I just witness a McRobbery right in front of my face today. Friggin wild. First time I've ever seen a robbery in progress.
Arc @arc holy shit I texted my coworker after it happened and he said the exact same thing and sent me the exact same picture LMFAO
Gabriel @gabriel_true Maybe your coworker and I are the same person in an M. Knight Shyamalan sort of twist? We're also the McRobber too and we'll soon be coming for you! There can be NO WITNESSES! *Horror Music Intensifies*
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
So we're just friends now? I see how it is, muhahaha!
Maiotaku ain't working for me.
Yuka King @yukachan
commented on
Maiotaku ain't working for me.
Yuka King @yukachan
Originally I was looking to date lol I've been in a few relationships eh?
I perfer friends nowadays.
Yuka King @yukachan I-i mean o///0
Gabriel @gabriel_true Haha! You never know.
Yuka King @yukachan Senpai- I mean true.
Gabriel @gabriel_true True is my last name!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Hehehe! You don't know how much hearing you say that makes me giggle.
Random thoughts...
Anti-spyware @joemama711
commented on
Random thoughts...
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Ughh why do I have to sit down and watch 13 hours of BULLSHIT VIDEOSS AND QUIZES BEFORE I EVEN START THIS JOB.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
But who doesn't want a cougar to boss them around? Gotta gettum while there still hot am I right?
I mean I don't know. My brother married a woman that was about 8 years older than himself. Sometimes experience is helpful for certain relationships?
The Library of Background Noise
Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
The Library of Background Noise
Aka-san @redhawk
Aka-san @redhawk For real
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Saying dear Gabby makes it sound like I am that newspaper columnist that would always give people advice.
Thank you for your kind words, Rose-chi!
Say something nice about the person above you.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Say something nice about the person above you.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
@gabriel_true I have to start my confidence journey somewhere...I guess why not here with something small?
Gabby, dear Gabby here makes me laugh and smile with his posts. I have received lots of compliments here before from many men...most I feel were just to try and get in my virtual pants so to speak lol, but Gab is sincere in them and with the comfort he tries to give to others. He seems like a good man who just tries to make others smile and laugh because it makes him happy too, and I think that's beautiful; he's beautiful.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh, but you are XD. And always, Gab, no need to thank me for such things. ❤️
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I see you made your grand return in style. How have you enjoyed the newest season of Slime?
IRL pictures
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
commented on
IRL pictures
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
From about a year ago
secretagentboi @secretagentboi I've been lurking here for months at random points and it was aight it was a bit slow imo
secretagentboi @secretagentboi Now Oshi no ko that shit goes hard
Gabriel @gabriel_true That's the idol drama right?
secretagentboi @secretagentboi No I can't explain further because any description of the anime is major spoilers for the first episode and I recommend watching it instead because it's a masterpiece
Gabriel @gabriel_true Alright, I'll look further into it when I get off work this afternoon.
Yuka King @yukachan
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Yuka King @yukachan
Gabriel @gabriel_true Would you want it any other way?
Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Gabriel @gabriel_true Not saying I've done that exact thing, but I know when I was in San Antonio Texas they had a horror house next to the Alamo museum where I kept smiling at the people that would jump out at me. I know I have a picture somewhere
Gabriel @gabriel_true Let's just say I made it awkward for everyone when the giant animatronic zombie Rat jumped out and I started petting it, haha!
Veru @verucassault Lol
Anti-spyware @joemama711
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Anti-spyware @joemama711
Sacrificing my pride and getting a part time retail job at your favorite grocery store.
Kroger unless Publix or Dominos hooks me up.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Kroger is an awful company. Its 'Union' is a joke, but to get health insurance through the company you MUST join the union and pay their members' dues for zero protection against corporate nonsense. Also they WILL leak your employee records, so prepare to get identy theft protection too while you're at it. Publix is the better option if you get a choice.
Anti-spyware @joemama711 Man that's big yikes, also it's DELI aka the worst department apparently.
I don't need insurance I just need some cash
I'm really hoping out Publix will call me in today, if not I'll have to call/bug em. I also got a different phone interview from a different company. All else fails, hopefully the firefighter or trucking or electrician works out.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Try electrician. It may yet be your calling.
Anti-spyware @joemama711 I think I'll go for that tbh, firefightering wants to know my last ten years of everything x.x
They'd find out I quit so many jobs lol
Gabriel @gabriel_true Tell them you wanted to be a firefighter because you're experienced at getting fired up about new opportunities for work!
Anti-spyware @joemama711 Haha hopefully that excuse can be used multiple times, sadly had to accept Kroger offer. Publix never called back and the other job interview is like 45 mins away with the start times being 5 or 6 am no thanks