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I will gladly be the dance battle boss XD. I'll put the groove back into people by the time I'm done with 'em XD
Head Canon
9ヶ月 ago • Random Chatter
Jan 14, 24 at 1:17pm
I think Bond, James Bond is absolutely the spy (if he was for real). The films have to be entertaining to watch, seeing someone sneak in silently, not engage with any bad guys, and then sneak out over the course of 2 hours isn't entertainment. Being smooth with the ladies, kicking ass, and escaping in a flurry of explosions is. It's like what Bruce Lee said in an interview... He has to consider the entertainment value of his fight scenes in his films, not how he'd fight for real. He made a point that if someone grabs your arm, you simply stomp on their foot, they'll let go, but that isn't flashy enough for film.
Jan 13, 24 at 10:45am
@amir_bahram it was about letting it rip
Karaoke Stuff
9ヶ月 ago • Random Chatter
I'm not a singer...so I'm sorry this sounds horrid XD. It didn't help I was nervous when recording this either and excuse any weird microphone sounds (Edit: And I'm sorry Yuu-chan that it's not on a proper karaoke site. I didn't want my family to hear me singing a full blown song XD) >w< https://voca.ro/12E46XHZXhvF
I once again, do not have the proper material for this situation. This Hex Maniac shall have to suffice in place of random insults/death threats. And if she does not, those who think that way are maniacs, and not the fun, and sexy "Hex" kind of maniac. Edit: I really should have said "Hexy" .... Laugh now! I said laugh, dammit!
I remember when I was looking for a job as a writer, a lot of the openings were looking for advertisers who would pose as people in forums and try to get people into a landing page which would lead them to the actual product. Just getting hits on the landing page would help get them ad revenue as well. So it kinda makes sense, given how souless the job is to just make bots to do it for you. But yeah, that's just another reason not to post in there threads. lol
That more or less echoes what I would say to someone coming on to strong. Part of our problem as millennials and gen Z peeps is we were never told how human mating dynamics work, so we used fiction as our teacher instead. For those who are interested, according to evolutionary psychology, we are between chimps and bonobos. Here's the modern way to approach it. (And its more or less exactly what Yuuzora was saying). You start by getting to know em. Screen for red flags (Commitment issues, narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies, self awareness), and make sure they fit your ideal match. Make friends, not babies. For aces and dems, this can take months to years. We NEED that emotional connection to form sexual attraction much later down the road. When you are comfortable moving forward, start signaling your intent. 1: show that you're open. 2: show that you're interested. (Honestly, its best to make your intentions clear earlier than later, just don't pressure them for an answer.) Take a step back and let them decide for themselves what to do with that info. They may need to bounce the ball back a few times before they decide. If they withdraw, don't chase them. If they say no, least you have a friend. Don't be an ass about it, we know it hurts. If they leave their options open, the same applies. If yes, you build up your relationship, making sure it's actually a good fit for both parties. The diving into the bedsheets thing happens once both parties decide they are comfortable moving in that direction. This runs contrary to how manipulative people do it, and the signs of a manipulator are strikingly similar to the 4 stages of possession. And... Crap I did it again... *Withdraws back into the shadows*
You fucker, you! I thought I was done posting for now. It seems I stand corrected.
Back in my day, we'd just take the dogs outside before we go to work or whatever. Quite the age in which we live where people are bothered to believe that someone actually wants to listen to a bots yapping.
My resolution is to not keep a single resolution this year.
Jan 03, 24 at 9:06am
I feel that way about a lot of old Nintendo games. The thing is, if I didn't have a ridiculous backlog of current games, this is what I would be playing. https://media1.tenor.com/m/uJ0zztZcRFgAAAAC/friday-the13th-jason-voorhees.gif I never accomplished shit playing Friday the 13th, but I have played it a hundred times. https://media1.tenor.com/m/ryqRI7TUxW0AAAAC/dancing-jason-vorhees.gif Trog is stupid but fun. https://tcrf.net/images/0/09/Trog_NES_title.png I have never heard Game Grumps trash a game like Mickey Mouse-capades, but it was one of my favorites as well. https://youtu.be/u-LfKbCR0MI?si=ok006Tkts5FwWgwA Remember Duck Tales? Woooo-ooooo! And it had a slappin soundtrack. Transylvania theme and Moon theme are the best. https://youtu.be/2UuHesrJROw?si=JfuxQGIBMNYlyBCn https://youtu.be/KF32DRg9opA?si=5AWk0Ey9EsbXN7Ut