Religious YouTubers

Phanari @phanari
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Religious YouTubers
Phanari @phanari
That's not what He means at all. He's telling us that we have choice: to be with Him forever, or not. What you do doesn't mean anything in comaprrison to what you choose. And I don't apprieciate you calling me a troll when I've done nothing that a troll would do, thank you very much.

Anthony @setah
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Religious YouTubers
Anthony @setah
Lol, again, Troll be Trollin. You've done everything an internet Troll would do. Be with him forever or not? No, it's worship him forever or suffer in hell. Actually try reading the bible.

Phanari @phanari
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Religious YouTubers
Phanari @phanari
I do read the Bible, my friend, it's you who obviously hasn't studied Harmenudics (sp). It's not all about just living to worship Him, it's about more than that. It's forming a friendship with your Father so you can spend eternity with Him in His glory and love. I don't see the tyrany in that at all. I'm so sorry that you find that so horrible though, I really am. Must mean that friendship means little to you. :( I'm sorry for that. Now, let's anazlyze the definition of an internet troll. They go on forums and flam people. posting my OPINION that just so happens to not really coincide with the OPINIONS of others and my feeling and expressing no harshness towards those people is coming on this forum and and flaming? Hn....never would've known....:P Next time you try and accuse someone (IE me) of something, try accusing me of somthing I'm actually doing, okay, sweething?

Anthony @setah
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Religious YouTubers
Anthony @setah
Lol, I really love how you keep saying that when that's exactly what other people have said to you and you have refused to stop. No one is going to respond nicely to your comments when they are ocming right out and obviously flaming someone LIKE A TROLL, whether you tell them it isn't true after the next post or not. And no, friendship is important to me, just not with an imaginary being who tries to threaten me into beleiving in him.

Phanari @phanari
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Religious YouTubers
Phanari @phanari
Why is it that everyone online these days seems to be so easily offended, over sensitive, and PC all the time and everywhere? And when they aren't, they're over critical. Makes a normal person sick!

Anthony @setah
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Religious YouTubers
Anthony @setah
Oh so your normal and everypone else isn't? There's another one of those judgemental comments you'll swear you didn't mean in your later posts.

Phanari @phanari
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Religious YouTubers
Phanari @phanari
Everyone online isn't. Big difference, sweet pea. And just HOW was that judgemental, pray tell? I'm dying to know this one. Oh, and by the way, you still haven't answered my many questions. So why don't YOU stop trolling ME for five decades and we'll all be happy?

Anthony @setah
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Religious YouTubers
Anthony @setah
If your honestly that blind, just go find yourself a life, seriously. You just said the way everyone online acts these days makes a normal person like you sick. So in other words, your saying your normal, and everyone else isn't.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Religious YouTubers
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
How does one build a friendship with something that you can't see, hear, touch, or any kind of reaction with? Seems a bit one sided.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Religious YouTubers
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Also, I think everyone should watch the documentary Religulous with Bill Maher.
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