Religious YouTubers

... @rainydays_lover
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Religious YouTubers
... @rainydays_lover
I think the idea of "religion" and belonging to a specific closed faction, if you will, is the problem. And I do know that the USA was founded on the ideal of religious freedom, as it well should be, but keep in mind that not all people that are religious are EXTREMISTS. I'm a Christian, but I don't look down on my friends who don't have the same beliefs as I do.

... @rainydays_lover
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Religious YouTubers
... @rainydays_lover
PS why did my post turn bold? I'm new to this site >.<

Sobi @sobi
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Religious YouTubers
Sobi @sobi
The only problem with religion is that everyone assumes that theirs is right and everyone else is wrong, and since they are right they have to shove their view down someone else's throat. I'll admit I used to have a very bad view of Christians when I lived in FL, but after finally meeting a few who aren't actually hypocrites, I'm much more accepting of them. You can't really judge a whole religion based of a few. Back to the youtube subject, It's unfortunate that the internet tends to bring out the wakos. I won't say they're all like that, because I haven't seen them all and I've become much more accepting as I've gotten older too. It is a shame that religion tends to cause a lot of disagreements.

konad13 @konad13
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Religious YouTubers
konad13 @konad13
Funny story: I'm an atheist and the only person in my family to go to church. Go Unitarian Universalists! WOOO!

konad13 @konad13
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Religious YouTubers
konad13 @konad13
Also, I tend to hold religion at arms length. I have nothing against religion, it's the religions followers (and nay-sayers) that peeve me. Take the concept of Eden from Genesis: a paradise of eternal beauty and bliss. The draw back is is that Man (and Woman) aren't entitled to any opinion of their own while residing within. Only after eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil does free will truly form in any vague concept within the Bible, and God specifically states that the act shall result in great pain from then on and that man shall lord over women."
Moral of the story: God does not like free will, and therefore forbade it. I have beef with other religions (except Buddhism... SO FAR), but Christianity is so prevalent (despite the evangelicals constant rants that it isn't) that it's the one that I find myself constantly having to debate.

Darialan @darialan
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Religious YouTubers
Darialan @darialan
I'm a Christian, but I stray away from churches as they tend to say you have to believe it this way and only this way. I just say, "believe what you want to believe." I can be quite tolerant of what "Christians" count as sin, since many of these "rules" or "this is a sin" type things are ridiculous and sad. The problem lies in not being tolerant, not just of the "sinner," but the "sin." Supposedly the they say "hate the sin and love the sinner" and I believe that, but the problem with it is that it is soooo hard for most of them to practice what they preach. They're so intolerant of the sin that it borders, if not goes into hating the sinner. People are so confused as to what the bible says that they forget the people it was meant to save. They forget that they're the same as everyone else. They forget that they have feelings. They forget that they're supposed to love. And they forget that it is only important to love unconditionally.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Religious YouTubers
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I believe in the Creator God of the Bible and His Son. That said, I believe the Bible was created for us, not us for the Bible. This is why separation of church and state is so critical. Because the Pharisees are always with us. Without that separation, the state inevitably ends up burning "witches." Great evil has been committed in God's name by more than one religion. That is a commentary on what a bunch of stupid control freaks people are, not a commentary on God. Christ was born in the spring (when shepherds watch their flocks by night) and Christians usurped the Pagans celebration of winter solstice to celebrate Christs birth. That's alright. I wish all a Merry Christmas! If you believe otherwise, just take that as wishing you the the very best.

eliudtehgreat @eliudtehgreat
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Religious YouTubers
eliudtehgreat @eliudtehgreat
I agree with Sobi, that is how it seems. I personally don't like any "church or religion like" practices, but I get along pretty well with those that do. It's only when people go out and think their religion is right and try to convert people into their religion is where I think everything goes wrong.

nyanko_neko_nya @nyanko_neko_nya
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Religious YouTubers
nyanko_neko_nya @nyanko_neko_nya
I think that it is not religion that is poisoning society, but the religious are. Keep in mind that it is Muslim Extremists and not Islam who kill infidels, and it was a pope and not Christianity that led the crusades.

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Religious YouTubers
I happen to worship a lobster deity that lives in space, has antennae that determine innocence and guilt, wields claws that annihilate entire galaxies, and farts blazars.
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