Religious YouTubers

Phanari @phanari
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Religious YouTubers
Phanari @phanari
Anthony, rather than attacking people (IE me) you should be talking about the subject at hand right?

Anthony @setah
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Religious YouTubers
Anthony @setah
Lol OMG! Ahaha, I, BeenJamminable, and Ikkoky WERE. You were the one who came on and made comments about what we had to say about it. Are you honestly that stupid or just that good of a Troll? It's ridiculous now. No one wants to know that you think your opinion is more important than theirs, so do yourself a favor, and stop trying to tell people what to think or do.

Nezbit @narutobacca25
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Religious YouTubers
Nezbit @narutobacca25
Anthony: "...No, it's worship him forever or suffer in hell..." Unfortunately, this is the view that some fairly vocal (and imo misguided) self-proclaimed Christians say, with Biblical text that does tend to support this. However, I view the Bible as a work created by man, and as such has gone through a fallible and sinful filter. I believe there is a lot of truth in the Bible, that existed for the people of the time the books that comprise it were written to, as well as people today. It's true that many religions proclaim that 'their way is the only way,' and indicate that anything else is false. However, if you think of the Bible as a *guide toward the truth* rather than 100% unfiltered text from God, things may be a whole lot more understandable.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
<B>This is SO frustrating!</B> I hate it when you, <B>Phanari</b> keep attacking mine and other's opinions on here. Everyone here was just stating their opinions and then you start attacking... starting with me. Let's analyze what I said. <i>"I agree Anthony. I'm not some sheep that will follow the herd blindly over the cliff. For the rest of those religious nuts, all I can say is "Meeeh!"</i> <B>Herd = Religion</b> , <b>Sheep = followers</b> <i>(Obviously)</i>. My other previous comment: <i>"...shackles that tie down humanity."</i> is a more philosophical approach saying that Religion doesn't help humanity expand, only limits our capabilities. For example: Stem cell research, Christians love bashing this topic! Even former US President Bush was all hell bent on outlawing this. However this vital research is needed to help better ourselves in the medical feed to help cure conditions not possible without it.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
Oops, Meant to say "medical field". Plus Christianity seems to have this false impression that it's in the middle and greater than all other worldly relgions. I feel if you keep attacking us Phanari, that karma will bite you and bite you good and you'll be water flea in your next life. Well, it wouldn't been that bad. First you keep progressing down, in lower and lower classes of beast before you get to be a water flea if you keep accumulating bad karma.

CrazyClassicist @crazyclassicist
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Religious YouTubers
CrazyClassicist @crazyclassicist
Well, Ikkoku, you yourself cannot claim to know whether or not Christianity is indeed false in claiming that it is in the middle or greater than all of the other worldly religions, since, you can not know what is indeed the "true" religion so to speak because you have not died and come back to us yet to tell us who was right. Nor can we know if another religion is "greater" or whether having no religion is "greater",since we simply do not know, so we are not wise and therefore not qualified to speak with absolute authority on such matters, at least according to Socratic Philosophy. We can only have our opinions. That being said, I don't think people should attack eachother's religious beliefs's not like you're going to accomplish anything besides a possible rhetorical victory...
Now, that was off-topic. Back to religious youtubers. Most of them, I will agree, can be a bit annoying. I've had this Muslim fellow trying to convert me for a while...despite telling him in no uncertain terms I'm happy with my beliefs.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
<b>@CrazyClassicist</b> Okay, just to let you know, I'm a <b>World Cultures and Literature</b> minor and I can tell you on some level of authority that my <I>Two Cents</I> counts to a degree. Therefore my opinions are based on knowledge that isn't half-assed. Also, records of a man you speak of: <I>"... died and come back to us..."</I> are <i>"spotty"</I> at best. This event possibly suffered many levels of alterations into the incarnation the world knows of today. Where is the proof this man actually died? Did anyone read <b>"Dr. Lloyd Davies'"</b> article about his arguement that, this man you speak of, most likely fainted due to low blood pressure and was buried alive? I can say with 100% certainty no one here has read it. And besides, if this was indeed true, Christians would try so hard to bury the truth (Oh! The irony!). On the Simpsons, Production code: BABF22, they made a joke just about this when Flanders burns Homer's "equation" that proves there is no God, Flander states: <i>"Can't let this little doozy get out."</I>

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
Also <B>CrazyClassicist</b>, I'm basing my opinion that Christianity isn't in the middle and the greatest religion of all worldly religions because there are so many other religions that are <B>OLDER</b> and still practice today like: <b>Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintou, and Islam</B> to name a few. Which are also a lot more peaceful than Christianity I may add. Also Socrates claim to not know a lot of things however, the point of it was to learn what they are, which leads into the whole "what is life" question. Anyways, nice try <b>CrazyClassicst</B> however you are still much too young to fully understand the scope of all this, but that's okay. Get back to me in 10 years pup.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
Did you noticed <B>CrazyClassicist</B> I didn't really attack anyone's specific's opinion instead just stated my own? True, there might be a couple of Christians on this site however that can be broken-up to many other denominations with many different variations upon the teachings of Christianity. And in all of this, I didn't single-out anyone in this thread until <B>Phanari</b> started attacking (like she always does). And if you look closer to what I said in the beginning, I wasn't trying to bash Christianity specifically (problem with Christians). I was talking about all religions in general before the focused changed. Did I ever claim any facts? No, I didn't. I just presented to the table my <i>educated</i> <b>opinions</b> (key word here) in a philosophical and empirical manner. I guess you and others didn't catch that and went right over your heads. P.S.
"Religion is posion." -Mao Tse Tung

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
I say stop your failing adroit attempts before you embarrass yourself any further. I guess things did get off topic. How about those religious youtubers hating on the idea of a <b>Mosk<B> in <I>New York</I>? Did everyone forget that the United States of America was founded on the principle that its citizens can believe and practice any religion they want? Does anyone know that the <b>Radical Sunni Islamic</b> group that were responsible for terrorists attacks around the world are <i>different</i> than the ones who want to build their Mosk? It's kinda like how Christianity has it different denominations. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the majority of those opposed to the Mosk... Christian? (cough, cough; nudge, nudge). I feel that those in American opposing the Mosk are making complete phucking idiots out of themselves. I don't follow Islam, however I feel they have the right to practice their peaceful religion in peace and to practice it wherever they want to.
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