Religious YouTubers

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Religious YouTubers
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
So there's this guy who's been making some pretty ridiculous videos that are quite funny, mostly poking fun at people who believe some pretty stupid stuff, and somehow base it off religion. (At least, I think he does.) When I first started watching his stuff I thought he was serious, but I don't think anyone could really be that dumb. Anyway, watch and discuss.

redrumrob @redrumrob
commented on
Religious YouTubers
redrumrob @redrumrob
lol that guy is pretty hilarious. Keep in mind though that most religious youtubers are pretty silly. As good as it is to laugh at the people who post videos there, its even more funny to laugh at the comments.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
A very wise man once said "Religion is posion." -Mao Tse Tung

Phanari @phanari
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Religious YouTubers
Phanari @phanari
If religion is a poison, it's one I'll drink gladly! :D

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Religious YouTubers
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
I don't know how people can say that knowing that religion is the leading cause of death.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
I know <B>Beenjamminable</B>! Just look at the "Holy Crusades"! What are farce! The thing about <b>poison</b> is that it either <B>cripples</b> or <b>kills</b> you! In my personal opinion, I think that <b>religion are shackles that tie down humanity.</b>

Anthony @setah
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Religious YouTubers
Anthony @setah
Completely agree with BeenJamminable and Ikkoku. More poeple have died over the centuries from religion than anything else combined practically :\ Most religions preach intolerance for others as well. Can't really see how people blindly follow such things. Ahaha, and moving back to the main subject, that guys videos are hilarious XD

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Religious YouTubers
ikkoku @ikkoku
I agree <b>Anthony</b>. I'm not some sheep that will follow the herd blindly over the cliff. For the rest of those religious nuts, all I can say is <B>"Meeeh!"</B>

Phanari @phanari
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Religious YouTubers
Phanari @phanari
Ikkoku: How is it that religion, something that frees people, actually "shackles" or "ties down humanity" as you say? There's no bondage in something that's used the way God intended. God gave us absolute freedom and we have the choice to do with that freedom as we wish. Is it the part where we have to take responsibility for our actions that make it shackle us? If so, how? Last I saw, that was just good parenting.

Anthony @setah
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Religious YouTubers
Anthony @setah
Again people, the troll be trolling. He gave us absolute freedom? Yes, that's definatley the way Christianity, or hell, any religion puts it. "All right guys, you can do whatever you want, but if you don't sell your life to me, to hell with you lolz". Most "freedom" given by "gods" means join us or suffer.
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