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r0rimakyuri @r0rimakyuri
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r0rimakyuri @r0rimakyuri
Hi how are u ?

serah55 @serah55
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serah55 @serah55
This account has been suspended.

aznxdumpling @aznxdumpling
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aznxdumpling @aznxdumpling
hi :3
Naka Kon

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Naka Kon
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
I'll be attending Naka kon this year as well. If anyone wants to grab lunch or go on a date after the panels are done let me know and we can talk about it.
Any Otaku in Southern Missouri?

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Any Otaku in Southern Missouri?
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
I recently moved down to Springfield to go to MSU.