How do you all make friends after 30?

ロイ @wallace614
How do you all make friends after 30?
ロイ @wallace614
Recently got out of long relationship and don't really know how to make friends anymore. I know sadge but honestly asking?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Find 30 people and say, "Hi" with no follow up. Seems to work for most people on this site.
Haha, but I simply suggest having a hobby that gets people to engage with you and that requires some form of communication to perform.
Some kind of project that's repeatable and that interests a group rather than an individual.
I have a couple friends from work and college that we keep in touch or have a day in the week that we're all free to do something we're interested in as a group.

RT @rtae86
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
RT @rtae86
Find people who share common interests or hobbies.
Most of my friends I met them because of anime or cars, my 2 biggest hobbies.
Be yourself always. If they like you they will stick around and you know they are the real deal.

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Friends come from all sorts of places. They can come from work, places you go where people have a shared interest, or sometimes they just sort of happen. If you search, you will find them.

Stratosferum @kawailee
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
Stratosferum @kawailee
Honestly, I'm like a capybara. I'm just relaxed. I complement and then strike up a conversation that allows me to listen to people talk. I enjoy listening more than talking. People can be interesting to listen to, and its easy for me because I'm an introvert that enjoys social proximity but not overly straining social interaction. So maybe more like an Ambivert I suppose... :P

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I had a long time friend of mine text me asking if I was well because I hadn't been able to meet up in about a month. What fostered that friendship is simply being there for a person in a way that's mutually appreciated.
When they share something, even if it's not what I'm into, I still show genuine interest in their interest of said thing. I care about the person themselves not their attachments directly.
So it comes back around that even if what I'm dealing with isn't interesting to them they still reciprocate that desire to share knowledge and support.
Or I proactively build a foundation that I open up for others to make use of and integrate our mutual interests in such a way that we're able to form a bond in the relationship we've formed together.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
ロイ @wallace614
Any more advice

Veru @verucassault
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
Veru @verucassault

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
Gabriel @gabriel_true

neeto @neet_one
commented on
How do you all make friends after 30?
neeto @neet_one
Look for other people asking the same thing.
If you don't know where to look, make a place for them and let them come to you.
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