What do people think

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
What do people think
daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
This is a thread to ask serious questions about things people normally do not think about. Things with consequence that you want to vent about.
A while ago on my old account when I was a mod, I banned an ex friend of mine (BLISSFULFORCE aka Blissfulforce1818) who admitted to me he only talks to underage girls and waits till they are 18 to ask them out.
I tried telling him it was creepy, he wouldn't listen and girls kept blocking him due to him doing this and he refused to even consider dating a girl within 10 years of his age... Eventually I had enough and spoke to the owner of this site about him, and he agreed it was a good idea to ban him for being a groomer.
This isn't normal nor is it acceptable behavior right?
I got a message from him the other day (he still seems mad) but he's claiming he's told it all to his coworkers, and somehow I'm the asshole for this, and people on MaiOtaku think I'm a jerk (don't deny this, I've been an asshole to people, some who deserve it and some who don't). He copes and says he's not a bad guy because he's not being a creep or a pervert. And he even had a friend of his try to help defend him and his behavior, who pretended to be a concerned person who was aware of his behavior and how he got banned from several online communities for this... but It's insane that 3 years later Blissfulforce is still mad about this. I'm really hoping this Toronto/Ontario native didn't come back in my absence. If he has, let me know so I can chew him out for this.
Would you say that having a dating strategy where you befriend under 18 girls, and ask them out when they are 18 is an acceptable strategy or is it mondo creepy?

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
Creepy? Think manipulative is a better word for it. I say this as someone who actually has high school friends. Its perfectly fine to have a preference for girls below a steep age gap, just give them a year outside of high school for them to learn what they really want in a man, and shed that over romanticized view of romance they've been sold by every fiction aimed at them. If you do it before then, you aren't giving them a fair chance to get up to your level. I mean if you need someone who's mentally stuck in the high school bubble culture, there's quite a few con girls like that. Lotta good looking late bloomers too. But then again, I'm the last person who should be commentating on what qualifies as normal, seeing as I'm asexual and kinda lost interest in dating.

Arc @arc
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Arc @arc
I can agree that's creepy behavior. Grooming is never an acceptable. Like choco said, it's manipulative to exploit the emotions of someone who isn't fully developed yet when you are a grown adult. Definitely ban worthy in my opinion.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
It's extremely creepy behavior for sure. Only way I can think it's acceptable is if it's a 1 or 2 year age gap and you just turned legal age (Romeo Juliet law). Besides that it's creepy as all can be. Now if they confess to you after they turn legal age then idk at that point because it's them iniating. If it's premeditated then that's sick.

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
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daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
Honestly for me, I don't date under 25. Too much crazy and too many weirdos.
I once had a fling with a Bengalese Muslim Femboy who was 22 a few years ago, I am never doing that again. Young people are NOT well adjusted at all and are mentally children.
But honestly when I get older, I think I'll just stick to like 4 years +/- at the most.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Same more or less. Want someone whose frontal lobe is developed enough to be mature and wise in their decisions affecting others plus who isn't in some party phase of their life.

juwu @jijuwu
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juwu @jijuwu
My frontal lobe is developed insanely. I have like 90% frontal lobe in my cute little head uwu

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
The other 10% is used for cookie storage

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I definitely think that's creepy. I have been on online websites elsewhere in the past and have had men target me because of my age at the time...I think it's especially creepy as @solid_snake95 said when it's premeditated.
I have seen a LOT of guys have a weird thing with girls that are "technically legal" but they are super weird about it. It's like it's a turn on that they are still a teen but old enough age wise to be seen as a legal adult and I hate it. If that man is still here let me chew him out too XD, I remember we caught creeps together before sksksk.

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Bahaha no that's just fucked, dude was grooming and wants validation that it's not bad, while it's not ILLEGAL so long as it doesn't pass a certain point it's certainly fucked up. There is no moral gray line here it's just wrong and he's pretty bordering on being a sex offender. But you know what they say, play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
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