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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(1:17 AM Sun.) My baby brother can be so smooth (and sweet/adorable) at the most random and unprompted moments. I'm cleaning up the dishes as it's my day to do them on Saturdays, but I'm minding my own business while washing a glass container, talking to myself and singing as I do when I do dishes. My baby brother suddenly appears next to me with a charming smile on his little face, black Sharpie marker held in his right hand and slightly leans forward to say: "Mind giving me an autograph?" I genuinely start laughing and tell him (remind him) that I'm not famous, but he just laughed at me and hugged me, then proceeded to tell me, "It doesn't matter. Cause I'm your biggest fan." My heart: (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) But seriously, I have been really mean to myself lately and stressing myself out. It can be hard when some days you aren't your own fan...but I'm glad I have other people in my life to remind me I am special and that even in my worst moments I am worthy of receiving kindness and love. Same goes to all you lovelies here, mama/Wei Ying here is YOUR biggest fan. And I hope you all know you deserve kindness, not just from others, but from yourself first and foremost. One thing you'll always have in life is yourself, so we should try our best to give that same love we may want from others to ourselves first. Even if some of you may be in a dark space rn, as my baby brother said, THAT DOESN'T MATTER! Nothing you've done, did or will do will NEVER and I mean NEVER make you unworthy of love to me. You all are beautiful and uniquely and wonderfully made, I only hope you all can see that for yourselves (everyday really) in your worst moments. ❤️
(11:25 PM Mon.) Our parents took my siblings, grandma and I out for a surprise today. We went to the movie theater to see the re-release of the very first Muppets movie! It was a fun movie and we enjoyed Kermit's song- https://youtu.be/WS3Lkc6Gzlk?si=XEkFfMkhY8Ki8Hcs and me and my twin enjoyed (quietly) singing Kermit and Fozzie the Bear's song. https://youtu.be/MqP1lsPVnXE?si=YM-Ih0PcB4fEq5Pn We had fun laughing at the movie and our dad had fun nodding off while watching it as well, he found the back of his eyelids more entertaining I guess sksksk, needless to say, we had lots of fun laughing and teasing him for it lol (all in good fun though). When we were heading out the theater our dad gathered my sisters and I together and we skipped down the hallway singing/chanting "lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" That was really fun ^^. Then we ate Chick-fil-A for dinner and had fun screaming songs together in the car while driving back home, what a fun day!
You're to pure for this world.lol
@yaasshat Just sharing my day is all XD
(6:58 PM Fri.) Went to an assisted living home today with my family to visit our aunt Eleanor. We met up with her other two sisters and our cousin and her husband to keep her company...maybe it's a bit too TMI? But I feel like ranting because it makes me sad and mad all at the same time. Our dear aunt Ellie is neglected (and in a way abused) by the daughter she is staying with, the woman locks her in the basement and deletes/blocks peoples phone numbers from her phone. It was only today that our aunt found out the reason she never got calls or was visited is because the daughter she lives with tells people they can't visit and chases people away. Our aunt even cried when she saw everyone gathered together to see her as she doesn't get to see her family much anymore, but we had a great time together and were even able to work out plans together to try and get her free from her evil daughter. Besides the seething rage I felt boiling inside me (I adore elderly people), today was a fun day filled with lots of laughter and hugs (especially for Aunt Ellie). I was also glad to see how clean the interior was and how genuinely attentive the staff seemed. I used to visit old folks homes a lot and talk, sing or read the Bible to them if they wanted, and some of the workers had an attitude written on their face and the place(s) just didn't seem good, but I'm glad my aunt Ellie has a good place she's staying at rn. We are planning to try and visit her again soon ^^ ❤️
(5:22 AM Thur.) Father's Day is fastly approaching and I still need to work on my card for him. Our mom loves to decorate in themes and this year our dad is having a fish theme (he loves fish to death). I was originally going to make another pun card like I did two years before...maybe the jokes were a bit dark? (No pun intended for what's coming next) Because those who don't know (probably most here lol) I am mixed black and white (my dad is black). So one Father's Day I made a card that said "you are the Father" on it (imitating a paternity test) and another in the shape of a milk carton that said "thanks for coming back, Happy Father's Day!" For those who maybe wouldn't understand...it is said about the black community (and even joked about by themselves) that their dads leave (abandon them) with the excuse of getting milk...so I thanked him for coming back after getting the milk. Why did I decide that'd be a funny card to give? Idk, but he did laugh, so it's cool! XD Now I need to figure out what kind of fish I'm making him and what pun I can put on there. I also hope our mom can find a way to take our dad and us fishing as he always talks about wanting to do so with us, she isn't sure we have the money...but either way, we'll have a great Father's Day with him! ❤️
Always have jokes or puns with catfish
(4:49 AM Sat.) Baby brother came home yesterday bearing gifts for us as his older siblings. My baby brother has a little business going on around our neighborhood cutting peoples grass and trimming their bushes or even taking out their trash for them. He makes a ton of cash and is great at saving...pretty sure the kid has 100+ dollars in the bank, little guy had $99 in cash inside his wallet alone XD. But our baby brother has money he keeps in the bank and cash he uses for miscellaneous reasons, and yesterday he brought me this Pusheen plushy *insert happy crying face here*. He apparently was talking our mom's ear off about how excited he was to see our reactions, so cute! And now I am off to get a job so I can properly spoil him back as I've always dreamed. And don't worry! He brought our other siblings stuff too XD. He got our eldest brother a snack as there were no other items he wanted from the store, our eldest sister got a Patriotic Stitch plushie (she adores the little alien), our second eldest brother got a Reptar plushie (yes from Rugrats) and our second eldest sister got a Patrick in an ice cream cone plushie (she loves SpongeBob and ice cream so it's a bonus). I swear that's the last of the siblings (baby brother and I are the last two XD). We love our gifts and gave him lots of kisses for it and I love him so much. ^^ ❤️
(8:11 PM Mon.) We had a fun Father's Day with our dad yesterday. I meant to take a picture of the decorations since I said our mom did a fish theme, but I never did lol. Our mom also hung up gummy worms (both regular and sour) up on the ceiling by fishing line to act as bait, when our dad saw them and realized it was candy he immediately said he's "going fishing" and started to eat the decorations XD...though we can't blame him since we joined him and ate some of the decorations as well. We couldn't afford to go fishing this year, so our mom bought fishing games and we spent the whole day playing them and winning prizes. I meant to take a picture of the gift table as our mom went overboard and packed the table full of gifts, but I'm happy as I won everything I wanted sksksk. Our dad enjoyed playing with us and receiving his Father's Day gifts (edit: and cards. I decided to make mine in the shape of a fishing line and attach bait on it by fishing line). One of those gifts was a remake of a shirt he had when me and my older siblings were kids (I was just a baby when they made it), our mom dipped my older siblings hands in paint and added it to the back of the shirt and mine was a baby foot print. Since we are older now we re-made it, this time with our baby brother's footprint added on as well, he enjoyed the shirt and is still wearing it today as well. It was a fun day celebrating such a wonderful man! ❤️
Wanna know why I comment? I'm jealous of how you portray your relationship with your family and it's wholesomeness. Rose tinted glasses, I'm sure... However, it does sound pretty sweet. Enjoy that, as I'm sure you do. Sounds like a father's day any dad would be lucky to have. :)
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