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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(3:55 AM Wed.) Trying not to watch it too much since I get scared easily. But I hope the one guy in the horror movie my eldest brother is watching survives, he's cute and has great hair! XD https://media.tenor.com/vaKVgGmIlGMAAAAM/michiru-fukuroi-pretty-boy-detective-club.gif
(5:37 AM Thu.) It suddenly hurts to swallow, my throat feels like it's swollen lol. Besides that I'm hungry but since it's 5:38 AM now I'll just go to bed and sleep off the hurt throat and the hunger. Goodnight (morning) my lovelies and please stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always and have sweet dreams and a great day, I love you all https://media.tenor.com/hopHX-in69QAAAAM/anime-girl.gif
(8:27 PM Thu.) I have officially been congested/coughing for a month now...it's never lasted this long before and now I'm wondering if I have bronchitis or some sort of lung infection? I wouldn't be surprised if the house we are still in did this with it's severely moldy and dusty walls/rooms (but hopefully it's just sucky health lately and not infections). I also have been starting to react negatively to the coughing as of recently, I just gagged at first but today I threw up mucus I believe? I was trying to see what it looked like but my vision was blurry from tears. And then my throat felt like it was swollen yesterday...I cannot catch a break lol. But in all seriousness I've been thinking of going to a doctor https://media.tenor.com/M2mGkKBIUMAAAAAM/my-honest-reaction.gif
Upper respiratory... Go to a dang doctor! My guess is you'll need antibiotics. Hopefully it's not mold related (Black mold can kill! Houses literally get condemned and demolished if it's bad enough.) Honestly, probably a nasty summertime cold. My son had a little sneezing which then got my daughter sick and my fiance(Not me, though. Immune system of steel!)... Gotta work on that immune system,noob. ;P Seriously though, go to a doctor, especially with it lingering this long.
@yaasshat I wouldn't be surprised if it is our house. Our house has mold everywhere, literally: in the walls, in the bathroom, in the air-conditioning (it's all black looking mold too) and when my family did try to bring it up to the people who come to "fix" our house they told us we are supposed to deal with it. We aren't, it's the landlord and whatnots job where we live. XD Also, my health used to be fine but our house rn murdered all of my family's health somewhat lol
Aug 31, 23 at 8:37pm
@wei_ying I second going to see a doctor. You can get some lysol mold and mildew spray and spray it wherever you see mold. Maybe try to find the source of what is causing moisture and see if anything can be done about it. It really sucks your landloard isn't going to deal with the problem.
Yeah I know too many people who have gotten bad infections because of mold or fungi exposure.
If you see mold on the outside of a wall,there's a good chance there's a much bigger issue just behind that wall that Lysol won't fix. Your landlord is ABSOLUTELY responsible for that kind of stuff. I mean, it's their property and it's a liability issue. One of many reasons I don't mind renting. If something goes wrong (Mold included.), they have to deal with it. Of course, state laws may vary. Literally about two years ago, my ex sister-in-law had to leave her house because of a very bad black mold infestation caused by a slow leak they were unaware of. They eventually demolished the house (Guessing that was cheaper.). Not saying it's that, but mold, in particular black mold, ain't no joke and it's usually a sign of a bigger issue.
Y'alls landlord still hasn't taken care of the black mold problem? Go to a doctor and get your landlord to fix it or take action. You've been talking about that for a year. You've become sick due to your living conditions, your landlord isn't fixing the persisting issue, and your home may be inhabitable at this point y'all have several legal reasons to take action.
@yaasshat @arc @verucassault @criselington We got a new landlord recently and apparently she's kind of mean/a hot mess, our old one was nice and always tried her best to attempt to fix the house. It is in part the workers faults since we have had huge water leaks and pipes busting and they never properly dried the inner walls...just built over it. So there is a lot of inner mold and such not just outer. Also, the workers covered up any blemishes and mold with...paint, our parents have tried to question them and even tell them what to do but sometimes the workers have attitudes lol. I'll see if I can ask my mom to drive me to a doctor then...especially since my twin is starting to cough too >w<
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