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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(8:17 AM Wed.) Ate some Korean spicy noodles with peanuts, cabbage (mixed with carrots), spicy kimchi and potato patties. It was delicious! Now I am painting my nails pink and gold to go with my baby panda's junk journal https://media.tenor.com/JGXaLxDwjn8AAAAM/aesthetic-nails.gif
(4:20 AM Thu.) I am about to burn our house down! I can't take it anymore! Everytime spring turns to fall the stupid mice come back. I and my family deal with this moldy house, we don't need you coming in here and squeaking all night, scratching inside the walls and giving us flippin' heart attacks!!! The stupid mice always come around the season my mom, sisters and I start to bake and-you know, what's the point of Michael finding his way in here!? He doesn't get any treats anyway unless it's on a mousetrap. To which by that point he's most likely dead, so take that Michael and any other mice friends he invites inside! https://media.tenor.com/IpSYjFDZuXMAAAAM/frustration-anime.gif
Stewart Little takes offense at this! Also, woe unto you who gave that mouse a cookie!
(2:15 AM Fri.) I have a headache rn from the cough I've had all month. Our house has made me so terribly congested and now I have a headache plus keep gagging from how much I've been coughing. Besides that today has been a great day! My twin and I helped our dad on a prayer call of his together, which I'm excited about because I've always wanted to do missions work and stuff like that with our dad ^-^. And now I'm eating more Korean spicy noodles with peanuts, cabbage (mixed with carrots) and kimchi ❤️ https://media.tenor.com/fPH0G0-vD9MAAAAM/happy-content.gif
(1:06 AM Sat.) Wasn't feeling well today so I took a shower. Felt a bit better after doing so but then I came downstairs to eat since my mom got pizza (my favorite food) for dinner, twas delicious! Then I was feeling tired from the coughing and soreness of my sickly body so I took a nap. But then I woke up and hung out with my twin and baby brother, we started listening to 80s music and our dad came into the room to say goodnight. That goodnight turned into a one hour-two hour long dance session, which was very fun, and he was reminiscing about his party days. My hair fell out of it's clip so I just went with it and now I look like I should be in an 80s dance video XD https://media.tenor.com/vYQu4ZUtudUAAAAM/dance-happy.gif . P.S. sorry I didn't record the dancing lol, I was enjoying the moment
(3:42 AM Sun.) I am feeling a bit better I suppose. But my neck and upper back hurt from the coughing I've been doing XD. I'm pretty sure my head banging from the dance party and today didn't help it...but I love headbanging :3. Other than that it was a nice day, our mom went and got Wendy's for dinner. I got a chicken sandwich with chicken nuggets and fries (it was delicious!) And I had to take some stupid medicine, I hate the taste of medicine! But my coughing induced headache isn't as bad, and my gagging (from coughing too much) went away https://media.tenor.com/GKHnTrDdWmkAAAAM/luckystar-animegirl.gif
(9:31 PM Sun.) Baby brother almost gave the family a heart attack today. Our dad went outside to call him inside for family devotions, we heard him answer our dad but he never came inside. So, then began the search for our baby brother, our mom and dad yelling for him. Our mom slowly beginning to panic because she doesn't know where her youngest son is, my heart starting to pound faster as I too am slowly panicking but trying to keep calm. It turned out some dingo outside responded to our dad calling for our brother. And he was in a neighbor friend's house the whole time... what a relief https://media.tenor.com/rpQHxVmT_EsAAAAM/kiniro-mosaic-kinmoza.gif
(4:50 PM Mon.) Did a treatment on my nails to help them stay strong. Massaged them for a bit and now my hands feel nice and relaxed. lol Also a friend of my dad's called him and asked if I could yet again teach on a prayer call tonight. I should probably go hash out and write down my lesson for tonight. I always feel nervous going to teach but I love it so much at the same time, especially since I'm helping young kids tonight who are going back to school https://media.tenor.com/_xrijAHWh90AAAAM/im-so-excited-happy.gif
(12:10 AM Wed.) I forgot to mention on Monday that the lesson went well, I had the kids on there tell me how excited they were! I was going to say something back but I got too nervous to speak to them...if they are there next Monday maybe I'll say something XD. And I'm feeling a lot better today. Still some coughing and a stuffy nose, but wayyyy better than the past month. Yay! https://media.tenor.com/4_z6kFC1_sAAAAAM/anime-yay.gif
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