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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(4:16 AM Fri.) I felt much better yesterday when getting out of the house. I think my horrible cough and congestion is once again from our house...I mean our rooms air-conditioner inside is all black from mold (we don't use it don't worry). But our mom said the house should've caused our family to be very ill, I'm just thankful to be alive!
(3:02 AM Sun.) I love you all. Stay beautiful, strong and remember that YOU are possible. It's not that things (or you) are impossible but certain things in life take time and patience; patience with yourself, your process and other people. Sometimes those things take longer to get right than others, but know that I love you and you can't spell possible without I'M because the possibilities of YOU are endless. ❤️
(12:54 AM Wed.) Funerals are so awkward, which I feel bad for saying since it's supposed to be a sad occasion. But my grandad's funeral (my dad's dad) was so odd being around family members that didn't want to get to know you ever. Felt sad for my dad at the mess they caused...I wanted to fight my aunt's and uncles, but it was a funeral so just smile and leave lol. The family members friends came through though with the chimken and collard greens though. That crap was bussin'! XD
(4:49 AM Wed.) Wow! I just got tiktok...although idk how often I'll log on sksksk. Got it cause my babies are on those things UwU
(1:14 AM Thu.) I some reason had a dream where I was outside watching K-pop stars dancing, a boy group was in our city for some reason. But on the day they were visiting a lady that was with a cable or electric company had to come do work on something. Well, while she was working on a power box or whatever it was she caused it to spark, the spark landed on a large tree-like the one outside of our house-and immediately set it on fire, then the fire somehow jumped across the street and onto the tree where the boy group was doing their filming at. The woman packed her things quickly and left my family and I freaking out about the fire while the K-pop group were trying to put it out XD. They poured water on it but it got worse because the logic of my dream was: since it was caused by an electric spark putting water on it would make it worse...even if it wasn't on the electric box. I need to have better dreams and stop watching K-pop. lol
(1:57 AM Wed.) Today (well, yesterday now) was such a great day! Everyone was just in an extremely happy mood, my twin and I had ourselves cracking up at...I can't even remember but we thought we were funny lol. And we had a surprise dinner our Mom cooked for us! I call it fancy...but maybe it actually isn't? We had genuine homemade chicken Alfredo with garlic bread and it was soooo delicious! Our mom felt bad we've been eating nothing but packaged noodles lately, but in the end what you get is what you get lol.
(6:40 PM Mon.) I am so excited yet nervous rn! I am helping my dad on a prayer call tonight for youths and young adults. I have to read out of Ephesians chapter 6 and speak about what I think it means to me. I feel like the stuff I wrote down might be too much but also what if it's too little or not understandable? May God give me strength and wish me luck you guys XD https://media.tenor.com/gf4gpwGV6rYAAAAM/wish-me-luck-manic-pixie-dani.gif
(7:07 PM Tue.) I need to get back to making picrew pictures for MO. I've been slacking lol
Nah just take it a step further and make MO comic strips
(1:25 AM Wed.) Mood: Sad Reason: I'm not a pumpkin https://media.tenor.com/YM3fW1y6f8MAAAAM/crying-cute.gif
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