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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

@criselington I don't even know why I would put that word in a spelling game? Maybe if it was a modernized word game that word would pass lol
(3:59 AM Wed.) My second eldest brother and I just got finished watching 7 episodes of One Piece. Luffy's fight with Don Krieg was amazing. And I know Luffy ain't no cook, but he was cooking tonight, ya hear? Luffy was like a five star restaurant and Don was like a bum living out of a box trying to sell literal garbage as his "menu", the man just couldn't compare to Luffy. And me and my brother both agreed Don was the weakest bad guy we've met yet lol, the man was so pitiful
Hooray for your One Piece journey starting
(3:23 AM Thu.) Just finished creating an anime list on here, making review thingies for ones they didn't even have. I did leave out the ones that sucked horribly out to save me some time lol
(3:12 PM Thu.) My chest feels funny as of late, my ears are clogged and achy and I have an abundance of mucus stuck in my chest. I wouldn't doubt if the house is an issue again but this time I think it's the weather https://media.tenor.com/WqdUzHZ4CfAAAAAM/anime-nichijou.gif
(3:35 PM Fri.) Me: (waking up as my twin enters our room) "Hey. I had a dream-" Her: (looks at me with a blank look and rolls eyes) You had a dream? You know what happened to Martin Luther King Jr. when he had a dream? He died for it Me and Her: (silence and staring at each other before busting out laughing)
(6:23 PM Fri.) I some reason kept having dream after dream today. The first one was @rafaelsanzio asked me did I want to dance, I said yes and then we all grouped together for a large dance party XD. Raf and I were dancing salsa for some reason. The next dream I had was my baby girls and I somehow got our minds transferred into these group of girls who were assasin-spy people. Baby chimken @amarantha got a girl with deep purple hair and yellow eyes who used magic and was getting revenge on her destroyed witch town. My lovely Ha-Ha @yeesha was a tech savvy cyborg girl with white hair and unnaturally blue eyes. And I was a Neko woman who's personality was supposed to be flirtatious and sexy, to which I was nervous cause I'm not sexy xD. But we were breaking into a facility to find the rest of my babies who were kidnapped, I had to flirt with a man for distraction to which my daughters killed him cause he flirted back lol. I don't know what my dreams are either. XD
(9:17 PM Sun.) Thinking of when I went to the doctor and she thought I was a young highschool student. My family laughed at me to tease me for how she thought I was that young. I think I look mature! People can be so rude sometimes XD
(4:14 AM Mon.) Just finished watching a few more episodes of One Piece with my brother again. We got to Nami's backstory and my heart broke and I almost cried because her family was close and they were poor so it hit home for me. Even the part when they made up quickly and easily lol Man...I hate this show so much I'll keep watching it. Not because I love it or anything (I don't care what Viking babe says don't listen to him) I just want to torture myself I guess. :')
(2:12 AM Tue.) I just texted Jennifer Coolidge asking her when her role as a dolphin is coming. I hope I was in line with Instagrams respectful guidelines? XD
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