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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

*Melodically singing* Laaaaaaaaaw suit. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/mold-rentals-landlord-liability-responsibility-prevention-30230.html Tell the doctor there is mold and you wonder if that could be the cause. Tell the doctor and get it documented. Tell your parents this is no joke. Tell your parents THEY NEED TO TAKE THIS VERY SERIOUS(Especially since they now have two sick children.). I know I'm harping, but this isn't a small unimportant matter that can just be ignored, it's potentially lives being affected. Good luck and may you/your sister have a speedy recovery.
(3:56 PM Fri.) I can breathe better today! And also, happy September 1st everyone! I hope this new month is kind and good to you all ❤️
Sep 01, 23 at 3:28pm
@yaasshat Definitely agree with Yass on this one. It's a hassle to deal with legal stuff but when it comes to the health and safety of your family it has to be done. It's really concerning a sibling got it too.
(12:11 AM Sun.) I've been so tired lately. I know I've always been tired but I feel as if I've never been getting rest-especially my dang eyes! They never feel rested lol. And now I'm on my period and so I'm sure the tiredness is from the weak health this past month and now my period is making me even more tired. But, I got to eat some chimken today...so I'm definitely on my way to better health now for sure https://media.tenor.com/38tXQNwIde0AAAAM/rimu-chew.gif
(6:52 PM Mon.) Made myself cry at the lesson I'm teaching tonight lol (just finished writing it down). I really need to stop doing last minute lesson ideas...but all last week I didn't know what topic I wanted to discuss until I was listening to my twin's video she watched about the rampant increase of suicide and depression. So, my topic for my children I'm teaching tonight is dealing with that. I hope I'm not crying the whole time trying to talk about what I wrote down, wish me the best guys! https://media.tenor.com/RkXRVxIgHSoAAAAM/kanna-exultant.gif
(9:03 PM Mon.) The lesson went well...but alas I ended up crying. It's to be expected with me so I don't know why I expected not to, it's as if crying is my default emotion smh. Embarrassment=cry, happy=cry, of course sad=cry but anger also=cry. I think I hate the embarrassed crying more...I get even more embarrassed at feeling embarrassed lol. I'm glad I'm not around anyone that is a sadist and likes to see me cry XD. (I'm being serious btw)
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@redlight Back at it again I see XD. What do you need this time?
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(4:11 AM Tue.) Someone please help me find a new PFP. I am kind of picky about what I like so just if you find one send it in and I'll decide if I want it, no pressure or anything! I just don't feel like trying to look for one myself rn lol
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