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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Oops I meant to say Sounds Fun, hah.... Silly keyboard
(12:42 AM Mon. Dec 19th) It’s my 2nd eldest brother’s birthday now! I decided to do Yamada Tae from Zombie Land Saga on his birthday card this year. While it’s not perfect I hope those that have seen the show or know the character can tell it’s her? XD I really am not a great artist and while I usually trace for cards (‘cause I can’t draw) I had to basically draw this myself... I’m sure you can tell because it’s not too great XD. Anyhow, I am excited to wake up early tomorrow and celebrate his special day?
It's Legendary!
(12:56 AM Tue. Dec 20th) Today was another great day! I hate it when Birthday’s end, but I am very happy my 2nd eldest brother had a great one. He got Mandalorian/baby Yoda themed gifts: a baby yoda noodle bowl, baby yoda themed pajamas, a baby yoda metal cup thing, Star Wars themed socks and our big sister got him a giant Millennium Falcon wall decoration. For breakfast we also had pop tarts: a cream donut filling flavored one, cookies and cream and cinnamon flavored ones too! Then for lunch we had Tonkatsu and it was so delicious! I’m glad he chose that for lunch XD, then for appetizers we had Tempura Shrimp and chicken egg rolls. Then for dinner we had Japanese chicken fried rice, noodles (forgot the type of noodles) paired with chicken Gyoza and a dipping sauce and for drinks he got a I guess Mexican brand of soda his friend suggested for him to try. I decided to taste the Guava flavor and at first I didn’t know how I felt about it (but it wasn’t undrinkable), but as I kept drinking it it started to taste better to me XD. And then for dessert we had Mochi with a Japanese soufflé type cake (forgot the name of that too) and I don’t know how I feel about the Mochi... the rice part was odd but also fun to eat to me. We just had a lot of fun today and I did one of my most favorite things; watch him play games most of the day on our big tv! Oh! And our eldest sister also made him a stuffed duck since he loves them so much.
(3:52 AM Wed. Dec 21st) I feel like every time I get sick and mention I’m sick on MO... other people start to say they get sick. Now, just because I’m the mom of MO does NOT mean you guys follow my lead with getting sick XD. I am terribly sorry if I have somehow caused anyone’s sickness, but if any of you get sick... umm... you will be on punishment for 1 month and it comes with a scolding (plus you will make me fret) U-U. NO GETTING SICK! XD https://media.tenor.com/frcX5lvmtM4AAAAd/cute-girl-scolding-you.gif
(2:34 PM Wed. Dec 21st) I guess I’ve chosen December to be that time of the month I (for some reason) decide to look up stuff about babies. When to feed them, how to breastfeed them, how much do they eat in a day (they feed ever 2-4 hours btw), the milestone each month of the baby makes like at 2 months, 3 months and forward. What I should be concerned about if my baby is NOT doing it or acting like it should, how much do they poop and pee, the position best for sleeping in younger babies and the best position when they are older. I-... I don’t have any kids irl so why the heck do I search these things up!? XD
It's good to know or have some kind of idea in advance no matter the topic. Preparedness and what not...
@verucassault You are right! That also reminds me of when I was younger I wanted to become a baby care specialist just in case I found an abandoned baby XD, it might’ve been at the time I heard a news story about a baby thrown in a dumpster and almost dead :(
(6:01 PM Wed. Dec 21st) I was accidentally called mommy by a 5 year old friend that came by today lol. I was feeding her my food (you know how small kids get when they see food they like) and then she said “mommy I want more”. Me and my baby brother started laughing at how she mistakingly called me mommy, but I admit it was so cute and my heart is all mushy (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
(12:41 AM Thu. Dec 22nd) How is it that I gave myself a clear mission—heck! I told myself on my second account I would NOT go past having like 80... maybe 90 friends? But I went past that XD, I don’t mind it since there are certain people that still send me friend requests that I do feel comfortable accepting. But in the end I treasure everyone in my list, but I did not keep to my beginning goal XD
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