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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(12:38 AM Wed. Dec 14th) Wow! I can’t believe my dad is gonna be 53 tomorrow on December 15th! Or he said he’s actually gonna be turning two this year XD, but he always tells us he never expected to live this long. Mainly because of how wild he acted when younger and negative people (mainly adults) telling him he was never gonna live past twenty, but here he is and he definitely is a living story on how peoples words can be hurtful but you shouldn’t let it hold you down. He got married to our mom (which he met in college and every guy liked our mom XD) and got six kids out of their love lol (would’ve had 12... they were like rabbits I guess). But, I can’t wait to celebrate him and write on his card reminding him he is turning 53 (like he doesn’t know it) and I can’t wait for the spicy African rice and chicken, chicken strips and rice-a-roni for dinner.
Well happy birthday to your papa
@criselington Thank you Viking babe!
(3:07 AM Thu. Dec 15th) I finished making my dad’s birthday card just now! I have worked on it for like... 3 hours straight inking, lining and drawing the Holly/candy cane lines. I messed up on the right side of the cards lines, but I think I did pretty well considering I am NOT an artist and I hardly art. As I said before he is 53 today on Dec. 15th and I should probably head to bed now... but I decided to take a picture of what I did for anyone that would look and see it. And boy have I never worked so long on a card in my life and I am proud of it in the end! XD https://media.tenor.com/u97JCT-bu8sAAAAC/proud-cool.gif
(12:41 AM Fri. Dec 16th) My dad’s Birthday was fun! Everyone woke up at 11 in the morning and we had Frosted Flakes and Fruit Loops for breakfast and then I snacked on my pumpkin donuts the whole day until dinner and dinner was delicious too. For the people who didn’t like “spicy” food they had chicken breasts and Rice-A-Roni, and my mom also made west African green chicken (forget what it’s called specifically ) and Jollof rice and it was a delicious meal... especially the chicken! I love having a big family but boy is cleaning dishes hard! I have never had or used a dishwasher in my life, so ever since I’ve learned to wash dishes on my own as a chore (I started when I was like 9 maybe) I have washed them by hand. We never could afford a dishwasher so I’m used to having to do it by hand... and it’s just tiring XD, I did stand for like 2-3 hours washing each one but I’m glad everything is clean now. I can tell when my family gets a dishwasher I feel like I will be so confused on how to use it and probably forget many times we have it lol. But! I did have a fun day and I am so tired though, me and my twin were laughing like idiots because we were tired... and she kept on biting me ‘cause of her exhaustion lol. https://media.tenor.com/re6eeBTnXcsAAAAC/iruru-ilulu.gif
(1:42 PM Fri. Dec 16th) Yay! Another Birthday coming up in three days and I’m so excited! It’s my second eldest brother’s Birthday on December 19th and I can’t wait to once again celebrate him too, although I always forget what age he is because he’s just my big brother... so I never payed attention to his age that way lol. He is however going to be... twenty-something? I forget all the time (don’t worry I always remember it when his Birthday is here sksksk) , but he’s turning it lol. I also can’t wait for his breakfast, lunch, appetizers and dinner! https://media.tenor.com/4Bg3yiJZ3VAAAAAC/anime-kawaii.gif
(1:13 AM Sat. Dec 17th) I really wish I had one of those Santa dresses (you know the one) or the elf girl costume dress. I really wanna dress like one rn and even a reindeer would be nice. I don’t know though? I really wanna dress like one of the two; elf or the Santa dresses, I would have to put on Christmas stockings and I haven’t worn them in quite a bit so it would feel like a whole new experience again XD
(7:29 AM Sat. Dec 17th) I some reason had this thought of a... boyfriend? I had on a past site... I couldn’t get back into my account so I kind of was forced to ghost him, but to be fair I don’t think we actually were bf and gf? I don’t remember if he asked me could we be and I said yes or if I just assumed we would be/were because of the way we acted online together lol. I remember another person that named themselves Deadpool on another chat site and we ended up “getting married”, the story of how we fell in love is he kidnapped me and I fought him off viscously and I guess... boom, love! Lol I kind of feel bad for the 1st guy I disappeared on but at the same time I think he probably wasn’t actually too concerned with me and got over me/it fairly quickly XD. But, I guess it was best I left that site since there were too many creeps and one of them was very scary towards me lol
(7:53 PM Sun. Dec 18th) Our mom and dad surprised us with Game Day suddenly today. We thought we were getting up early for family devotions, but it turned out it was for the day we play Christmas games! We played tons of games, collected a lot of candy and the last game of course is always fun, because our parents manage to get presents and we have dice we roll. Numbers 1 and 2 are switch gifts right or left, 3 and 4 are steal a gift; and 5 and 6 are unwrap the gifts (that ones the best one). Our mom buys each of our family members a main gift each person would love! I got a comfy sweater with kangaroo pockets, my eldest brother got the plush socks he loves, my second eldest brother got a shirt with baby Yoda on it, my big sister got a Stitch calendar, my twin got a Hello Kitty shirt, my baby brother got a miniature pool table, my mom got herself Elf socks (like the movie type of Elf) and my dad got a book of Edgar Allan Poe. Today was really fun! ^-^
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